Titles are wack, Iso's request pt 2; electric boogaloo

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Iso request once again
Sorry this took so dang long
But I got it out!
That's good qWq
Oh and MapleSyrupUwU he gets scared by worms so there's a warning?

Russia flopped backwards on the couch as Germany stood by the TV trying to pick a scary movie for them to watch.
He looked through the movies before selecting one and starting it.
He walked over to the couch and was instantly pulled by his wrist to sit on Russia's lap.
Germany rested his head against the firm chest as Russia wrapped his arms around him.
They watched the movie mostly in silence while cuddling, the plot wasn't much but the movie itself had some scary or freaky moments.
A particular scene started that freaked Russia out, the scene contained large gross looking worms wiggling around the whole screen.
Russia wasn't actually scared of worms normally, they had never really scared or freaked him out but the shear size and close ups of these scared the crap out of him.

He gave Germany a side glance to see his reaction to the scene, Germany had his tongue stuck out at the screen with a grossed out expression on his face. The sight would have been cute to Russia if he wasn't entirely freaked out at that moment.
He clenched one fist and used the other to lightly tap Germany's back, "I need up, I'll be back in a minute."
Germany got off his lap and Russia walked towards the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

As soon as he shut the door he crouched down and gave a quiet closed mouth scream.
Worms, he was freaked out because of worms.He let out a deep but shaky huff and went to go crouch on the edge of the bathtub(Boris reference? Idk I just feel like I remember seeing him do that before-)

He stared up at the ceiling, he wasn't used to having any form of fear, he'd always been the not easily scared one, even of his siblings.
He suddenly sniffled, his eyes widened as he put a hand to his cheek. He felt the wetness on his hand and realized he had started crying, he held his face in his hands as he softly swayed back and forth, not with enough force to fall however.
Germany sat quietly on the couch, he'd muted the rest of the movie because of how loud the main girl was screaming. He was starring down at his hands and trying to not fidget with them as he waited for his boyfriend to get done with, whatever he was doing.
Surely if Russia didn't want to watch a movie with him he'd say so, maybe he got freaked out? Germany let out a breath as he stood up to go find Russia.

He looked through the various rooms before coming to the bathroom, he gave a light knock before quietly opening the door and walking in, "Russland?".
Russia snapped his head up, Germany quickly walked over to him seeing his cheeks still slightly wet and cupped his cheek, "Russia! Are you alright, what happened?!".

Russia just pulled his worried boyfriend closer to him, "would I be weak, if I was afraid of something many people aren't afraid of?"
Germany wrapped his arms around the crouching Russian, "Oh course not! Everyone is scared of something, and you'll still be my big tough Russian no matter what!" Germany snuggled into Russia's chest as he said this, making Russia chuckle and wipe his eyes
"What were you afraid of?", Germany looked up at him innocently as Russia grimaced and held onto Germany, "the worm scene.."
Germany stuck his tongue out like he had when he first saw the scene, "ah, it was gross"

Russia smiled and cupped both of Germany's cheeks, which caused his eyes to widen, "oh Германия, you're so cute."
This caused Germany to blush and start trying to sputter our words before shutting his mouth and resting his head against Russia's chest so he didn't have to look at him.

Russia just laughed and got off the edge of the bathtub, keeping Germany in the same spot(yes he just squatted there the entire time, power of the Slav squat), he put his arms around Germany, the two of them were always good at making the other feel better.
"I'm feeling better, so how about for the rest of the night we cuddle and like...watch animal videos?"

Germany instantly brightened and looked up at Russia before happily yelling out, "German Shepard videos!?", Germany seemed to prossess what he just did and blushed while letting out a small nervous 'um'
Russia just laughed loudly before pulling Germany closer to himself again, "sure, we can watch that"

Russia kissed him on the forehead before grabbed Germany's hand and beginning to head back downstairs.
The couple spent the rest of the night kissing and cuddling while watching German Shepard videos before eventually falling asleep tightly holding each other

If the end is bad I finished it at almost 4:50am so haha woop-
Iso I love you(platonically) so I'm sorry this is so bad-
I tried and I hope you might have enjoyed it qWq

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