Insert creative title- Iso it's so bad im sorry qWq-

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This is a request from Insignificant_Isopod
It's really bad and I had no ideas I'm so sorry
But I hope this is a little enjoyable?

Germany stared blankly at the TV screen, he was waiting for Russia to come home from drinking.He yawned softly as he heard the front door open and shut.
Germany lifted his upper body up as Russia walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch at the end of his feet.

"Russland!", Russia grunted in response and Germany's smile faltered as he sat up completely, "Russia?".
Germany reached out a hand to touch Russia's shoulder before he was quickly grabbed and pulled against Russia.
Germany let out a surprised yelp, his knees were awkwardly seated on Russia's lap.

Russia buried his head into Germany's neck and tightly held his waist, Germany rested his hands on his shoulders and looked worryingly down at him, "Liebe? Is something wrong?",
Russia just mumbled as he gripped Germany tighter.
Germany rubbed the nape of Russia's neck in a soothing motion.

Germany tried to give Russia a half hug since he couldn't maneuver his arms well, "You can tell me what's wrong", Russia grunted and moved his face away from his neck slightly, "just, kinda drunk and thinking about things..."

Germany gave a small nod and tried to shift himself best he could to hug Russia better.
He rubbed part of Russia's back softly,making the Russian lean into him more.
Germany laid his head on Russia's soft hat, he still was very tired because of how late it was(it 4am rn and I'm so tired)
He kept having to readjust so he didn't fall asleep, he was supposed to be comforting his boyfriend!

Russia seemed to sense the slower movements and shifted Germany so he was sitting normally and no longer on his knees.
Germany smiled at him and gave him a proper hug, Russia gave a small smile and tightly held him, "I like your hugs".
Germany gave a small laugh, "well I like yours."

There was silence for a couple of seconds, "soooooo...what were you thinking about?"
Russia frowned and stayed silent before lifting his head back to wipe his eyes.
Germany cupped his face, "Are you ok?"
Russia nodded as Germany moved his hat slightly to kiss him on the head softly.
Russia smiled and held onto one of Germany's hands, who returned the smile.
Russia leaned in to kiss Germany, who melted into the kiss after a couple of seconds.Germany pulled back and stuck his tongue out, "you taste like vodka!"

Russia laughed and Germany gave a giggle, "are you feeling better now, Liebling?(darling)",
He kissed Russia's cheek, " said my mouth tastes like vodka right?"
Germany gave Russia a confused look and unsurely nodded.

"Then I'll just have to kiss you other places." Russia began kissing the crook of Germany's neck, he kept his arms tightly around Germany who was laughing loudly at the actions.
Russia eventually stopped and just rested his head in the crook of his neck, "thanks for making sure I feel ok."

Germany gave him a big smile, "you're welcome!", Russia smiled up at him and hugged him closer.
"I love you", Russia rubbed the very bottom of Germany's back, who smiled and blushed, "I love you too."

God this is so bad Iso I'm so sorry I'm gonna finish another oneshot to redeem this I'm sorry qWq-

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