Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Thea's POV

Five days later

I was sitting in the school backyard, having lunch with my friends. I figured it was about time I told them about the arrival of certain someone, so I told Diana, Stella and Tyler about Travis Hunt joining our school soon. What I didn't tell them was why I wasn't looking forward to it. They just know that his father is my Dad's best friend and that we have known each other our whole life but never really got along with each other.

Probably catching on my mood, they shifted the conversation to something else and let me zone out.

I thought back on the conversation I had with my family over the weekend regarding him coming here.


I slowly walked to the patio for Sunday morning breakfast which is usually my favourite meal of the week but the anxious feeling along with the lack of sleep, didn't make it as pleasant as it should be. I was surprised to see everyone already there, I greeted everyone good morning, avoiding my brothers' questioning stares. I dodged their questions last night, on the ride back home, blaming everything on being tired and on reaching home, went straight to my room.

I took some scrambled eggs on my plate, one toast and a pancake. I would have appreciated my food more had it not been for the conversation that was going on.

"Sam called this morning saying that he spoke with Beth and they believe that it'll be better if Travis stays here only. He'll be here sometime this week.", Dad said, sipping his tea.

"Oh, that's good. I think the guestroom next to Aaron's room will be fine for Travis. I'll have it set up for his arrival. I want you kids to make him feel right at home here.", Mom said, sternly towards the end, "Thea honey, please make sure he's okay in school as well."

"But Mom!" I cringed inwardly with how whiny I sounded, "Why does he have to stay with us? Can't we just get him accommodated someplace else? Surely you guys have some contacts who can rent him a place."

"Thea honey, why do you have a problem with him staying here?", Mom asked, frowning slightly.

"Not only staying here, joining MY school too.", I muttered, under my breath, crossing my arms quite childishly if I say so myself.


"I mean... it's just that... you know... we never got along, he is a MENACE and... and... I just started being okay at school.... I don't want him to... ruin things for me.... Plus, what if he told everyone who I really am at school?" I said, a little nervously, looking at my parents.

"Oh honey" my Mom said, chuckling. Huh. "Don't worry about it. Your dad has already told Sam about it, about you not wanting to reveal your identity, he'll have a talk with Travis about this, I'm sure that sweet boy won't trouble you. You kids were always so cute together."

Is this woman for real? We were cute together! That's ridiculous! And judging from my brothers' expression they all think the same while my parents just keep smiling and chuckling.

Seeing that talking with them about this is pointless. I dropped the topic. The rest of the day was good. We had a good time with our parents before they went back home to New York.


I hadn't realised how long I was day-dreaming for because before I know it, I was being dragged to my next class. Tyler could tell that something was troubling me but I didn't want to tell him about the menace that Travis is. I tried smiling and forgetting about it for the rest of the day. Even though I was constantly looking over my shoulder for him to jump out of nowhere and scare the crap out of me.

For P.E. we were told to come to the field today since the coach had to take the football team's practise and also keep an eye out on us. We were told to do whatever we want but only after running a few laps. Most people just took a couple of them and went to sit on the bleachers. But because I had a lot on my mind, I took out my iPod, put my earbuds in and took off jogging. Diana and Stella went to sit after a couple of laps too but I continued my laps. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise that the school was over until Tyler cut me off somewhere after my 15th lap. Suddenly, the exhaustion hit me and I lost my balance, good thing Tyler was close by, he caught me before I could fall on the ground. He helped me to the bleachers where both Diana and Stella were standing worriedly, holding a chocolate and a bottle of water for me. After taking the water and the chocolate from them and getting scolded by them, I went to change into my normal clothes. After changing, I assured them that I was well enough to walk back home which took some time but they agreed reluctantly.

Walking back home, my thoughts went back to the pressing matter at hand. Although my brothers have always generally liked Travis but they also knew that I didn't. With them being how they are, I never told them why I didn't like him. But the fact is that he was a bully to me. A BULLY! Always teasing me and pulling pranks on me. Although it seems like a lifetime ago, but there was actually a time when I went to a normal school back in New York, much like my brothers did. Being of the same age, Travis and I had the same playschool, kindergarten and elementary school, after which I was home-schooled. The idea for which incidentally came from yours truly. Shocking right? Well apparently, the little o'l me didn't know any better. After an incident at school, which ended with me being hospitalised, I refused to go to school. My family being scared for my safety and my health, agreed readily with me. Although happy at first, I soon realised how boring it was, I threw a lot of tantrums to go back but my parents refused, liking the setting more. Well that's till I turned 16.

Reaching home and not seeing any difference, I let out a sigh of relief. He isn't here yet.

I went to my room, showered and took a small nap. After that, I went downstairs to get a snack and walked back out to the patio to sit there with a book in hand. As soon as I got settled on the swing, I saw Ginger running towards me. She jumped on me with her front paws on my lap before barking happily. After petting her for a while, she settled down right next to the swing, on the ground. I placed one hand on her and opened my book with the other. Vaguely I could hear a window opening but didn't pay much attention to it, must be one of the maids. I continued reading and gently stroking Ginger in between. Soon I was so engrossed in the plot that I could feel my heart rate going up at the cute, romantic part in the book, which is a general occurrence with me. I get too hyped up with the plot that I have to stop reading to get it in check, anyone who saw me would be worried. I was smiling so widely that I had to try and stop it by covering my mouth with my hand or by biting my lip. Since it wasn't working, I closed my book, took some deep breaths and then decided to play with Ginger for a while.

After playing catch with Ginger for a while, I noticed that its starting to get a little dark. I took her to the caretaker, to get her meal and left her there.

Going back in the house, I made my way towards the living room but stopped just before opening the door, I could feel the hair at the back of my neck rising and I knew it before turning what, or who to be accurate, it was.

"Hello there, Mi Amor."  

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