Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Thea's POV

That night, during dinner, I asked Erik, "Hey how did your meetings go today?"

"They went well. There's this new project that I'm taking under, that's what they were about. There was a lot of paperwork to do because the project is in collaboration with another organisation."

"What's the project about?" Nate asked. Erik smiled softly and said, "It's about feeding the homeless. The project basically ties up with a bunch of small restaurants which provides the food packages and the organisation helps in their proper distribution. This way the restaurant's sale goes up and the homeless are fed."

"Wow that's such a nice idea bro. I'm really happy for you." I told him, feeling really proud of him. Aaron and Nate nodded along, clearly agreeing with me.

"Thank you so much guys. It means a lot that you guys like the idea."

There seems to fall a comfortable silence before the topic shifted to the other two. I asked them how their college work was going and they seem to be doing good too, for which I'm glad. I told them about my day too, meeting Tyler and partnering up with him on the music project.

"Is he someone we should look out for, baby sis?" Nate teased, on which Erik frowned.

"No way! Within just one day I can surely say that Tyler and I will be great friends but he feels more like a brother to me." I replied, laughing, remembering his hugging tendency. " He is a lot like me, so yeah no."

"You need more brothers?" Aaron said jokingly.

My brothers laughed along with me and soon we all went back to our rooms, biding good night to each other.

I opened my laptop and went on the internet to gather some material for the homework that I've gotten. Meanwhile I figured I should also start looking for songs for Tyler and I's music project.


I looked at my phone which showed that I had message from my Mom asking me how my day went. I quickly messaged her back telling her all about it and then got back to work.

After a few hours of doing the research work, I felt my eyes getting droopy. I closed off all my work, saving the data that I've got and got ready for bed.

Next morning

I walked to the school with Calvin Harris blasting in my ears. I figured this is good way to start the school day. Soon I reached school, and as usual Diana and Stella were at my locker along with Tyler this time, talking animatedly. I took off my ear buds as I reached them, greeting them, "Hey guys!"

"Hey Thi! Settle an argument for us will you? Chocolate M&Ms or Peanut coated M&Ms?" asked, more like demanded, Diana. Her usual shy self is way gone, she looks ready to hit someone. She and Tyler have their arms crossed and are staring at me for an answer. I look at Stella for help but she just smirks and shrugs, not caring at all.

"Umm.. I guess I'll go with chocolate M&Ms because I'm not a fan of the peanut ones." I replied, while opening my locker and getting out everything that I need for the first class which is Arts.

"Yes!" yelled Diana, pumping her fist in the air and then turning towards Tyler she said, "Ah ha!"

"Whatever as long as its chocolate, right?" grumbled Tyler, starting to walk towards our class but not before hugging me and slinging an arm on mine and another on Diana's shoulder. Stella went off to her own class, mumbling to herself, 'thank god it's over'

The rest of the day was normal. Lunch wasn't eventful either because apparently the Queen Bee had dance practise *eye roll*. This is so typical, its exactly like what I've read in all those teen fiction novels that I love.

Stella and I were discussing about the English assignment that we got today during lunch. Our assignment is to write an alternate ending to any of the classic novels.

"I think I'll probably do one of the Shakespeare ones." Said Stella.

"You can make Juliet wake up just as Romeo takes the poison and be like, ha ha got you!" suggested Tyler, jokingly. I hope.

"Yeah right! You do that, I need to research a bit before I can decide. How about we go to the library and do this there huh Thea?", asked Stella.

I considered the idea, albeit I can easily do this at home but it'll be fun to do this together.

"Yeah let's do it."

We all decided to go to the library tomorrow seeing as it was the weekend anyways. Diana said she'll join us too. She said she'll catch up on some of her assignments as well.

During Music class, Ms Wood handed out chord sheet to us in pairs to practise. It was a bit difficult song. I asked for help with one of the verses and she helped me through it all very patiently.

"I admire the dedication you put into music Thea, do you think about pursuing it as a career?" She asked me.

I shook my head and said, "No Ma'am, it's my passion something I do to get away from hustle, to gain a little perspective but ultimately not my career choice."

She smiled softly at my answer and went away to the next student, nodding.

I looked at the paper in my hands, noticing that Tyler is staring at me. Not in a creepy way, more like in curiosity. I turned towards him and raised my eyebrow in questions. He shook his head and said, "You amaze me Thi. I'm glad that I get to know you."

Before I could ponder over what he said, he starts playing the chords and I decide to practise instead of focusing on what he said.

After the music class ended, we walked to the gym for PE. Tyler went to other side of the room to talk to the football coach and I went to change into gym clothes. We had the same routine today, to run the laps of the field and then stretches as the coach was more focused on the football team.

Diana, Stella and I chatted the whole time about random topics. We were discussing about the love triangle in Vampire Diaries as we exited the school building when we saw Tyler biding bye to his friends.

"Did you get in ?" Diana asked him, just as he caught up with us.

"Kind of. I have to attend morning practises from tomorrow and do a lot grovelling before he lets me back in the game." He replied, looking serious yet happy.

"I didn't know you played football." I asked genuinely. Well I actually didn't know a lot about him but this came as a surprise. "You don't fit the stereotype of a jock." I teased.

He laughed giving me a side hug and said while ruffling my hair, "That's because I'm too awesome to fit into a stereotype but yes I do play. I've been in the team since the starting but had to leave when my parents made me transfer schools. The coach was not happy, believe me."
"Don't worry you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll back on the field before you know." reassured Stella.

Tyler hugged her as thanks and then hugged me goodbye before going towards his car with Diana. He offered to drop me but I assured him that I prefer walking.

As I made my way back home, I couldn't help but overthink about tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be fine.

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