Intermission: Art Gallery 1

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Here we go once again with the art gallery just like in volume 1. 

This time, I'll be featuring the amazing irulemilkarmy for her art of Akane Fujiwara and Reijy Ishida. I noticed that I have not given the latter that much screentime, but his time will come in a couple more arcs/volumes. I hope you'll grow to like both the energetic kouhai and the smug heir of Shiroki City's major conglomerate soon enough.

Here we go.

Here we go

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You can check out other irulemilkarmy works through her Twitter

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You can check out other irulemilkarmy works through her Twitter. Make sure to give her a shot if you are interested in other art like the ones she did for the story. 

Onto the next installment of volume 2 then.

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