Chapter 12 - Maiden's Heart

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Amagi felt like her head was spinning when she first opened her eyes. The clouds cleared, and she saw that in front of her was a woman in a long, white dress. The woman stood against a background of thick vegetation and the ever-familiar red sky.

It all came back to her slowly. She recognized the form of this woman before seeing that the mysterious individual was levitating.

With her short hair of yellow, she floated in the air and emitted a barely visible trail of particles from the bottom of her long, translucent dress.

"E-excuse me," Amagi called out.

She tried to reach out, only to realize that the rest of her body failed to respond.

It was not her weakness that prevented her from moving.

Rather, she surveyed herself and noticed that she was several feet suspended above the air, and that the lower half of her body was completely buried within something. Her hands that were outstretched horizontally were likewise entangled in vines, and with the exception of her torso upwards, she might as well have been embedded inside a wall of vegetation.

 Her hands that were outstretched horizontally were likewise entangled in vines, and with the exception of her torso upwards, she might as well have been embedded inside a wall of vegetation

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The thick living ropes held her in place much to her frustration. On the other hand, it could have been these same things that prevented her from suffering a nasty fall, so she felt thankful for that at least.

Hearing her call, the golden-haired woman turned around.

It was then that Miki Amagi felt comfort overcome all of her reservations. She did not know why, but it could have been due to the profile of the woman.

With her plump form, gentle eyes that presented wisdom, and understanding expression, she undoubtedly gave off the image of a loving mother.

In addition, Amagi sensed a deep reservoir of power within this motherly being. It was as if she had spiritual power strong enough to contest the strongest beings that she had encountered so far.

The brunette found her stiff expression loosening as the woman approached by seemingly gliding through the air in order to behold her.

"I see that you have awakened, Miki Amagi."

"Who are you?"

"I am Sakuya. A being created from the slumbering feelings in your heart that were let loose."

"A being from the depths of my heart?"

Sakuya nodded. "Indeed, and so is the rest of this world."

"The rest of this world?" As the curious Amagi asked that question, she began to look at the world around her more keenly.

It all started coming back to her. She ran away after getting her heart broken by the person she had given so much to. Then, she encountered the masked man that had attacked her back in Shiroki. Afterwards...

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