Chapter 10 - Turbulent Emotions

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Amagi's breathing tightened, and her heart continued pounding. It was as if the beautiful scenery beside them and the cool night breeze all faded away from existence.

They faded away in the wake of her finally managing to speak out about her feelings.

I did it. I finally did. Arata!

She found it hard to believe that she managed to say those words after so many years. Carefully, she released her trembling fingers from the tight grip that they held over the boy's fingers. She then clasped both hands together and placed them over her chest.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl for her, with each half-second only being denoted by her irregular heartbeats.

She gazed at her classmate and childhood friend's face, and for the first time in forever, she saw it again.

The usual listless features that decorated his face for the past few years had transformed. Once more, the innocent, soft-spoken boy that she admired for so long had taken the place of the distant, aloof classmate.


Those words came out of his mouth in the form of a whisper, but the girl's ears picked every word up as clearly as they can.

"Yes, Arata?" she asked with anticipation. Wide-eyed, the girl felt her hand and her entire body trembling.

Time passed. His mouth lay ajar for what seemed like eternity for Amagi. She stopped counting the seconds until the next words left his mouth.

"I'm sorry."

The slowly-moving time screeched to a halt. The brunette put on a brave face, yet the emotions from the depths of her heart already fell.

All it took was two words.

"I cannot return your feelings now, Amagi."

The words cut like a knife.

She felt her vision blurring as those words were said in a slow and modest way. She had prayed that what he said seconds ago was a mere misunderstanding, but this last sentence all but confirmed it.

Amagi searched his eyes for answers, and she saw remorse. Yet, she also saw eyes that do not lie.

The girl shut her eyes, hoping to squeeze out the moisture in her eyes before they can take form. She felt her pounding heart slow down into a halt, and she gathered herself with deep breaths. Opening her eyes, she met the confused yet pitying eyes of the boy again.

She felt that all the accumulated stress in her heart wanted to burst out in one go. Instead, she clapped her hands together and shook her head once.

"I-I'm sorry if I said anything weird!" she said with a smile.

He did not speak anymore. However, she can see in his eyes and his expressions that he was trying.

He was trying to find the words to say, trying his hardest to steer the wheel and get everything back on track. At least that's how Amagi tried to see it.

Unfortunately, that might not be possible now.

"Amagi, I'm sorry. I really am. It's just that..." his voice trailed off.

I can accept Arata's feelings, but why is my heart...?

Once again, the girl felt her vision turning all fuzzy. The water came in much faster this time around, and she felt herself short on breath. She still put on the kind smile that she always put on in front of him, and the all other people, for that matter.

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