TEN: Running with the past

Start from the beginning

Tears fell down my face. I opened my eyes for a second. Everything was a blur because of my tears. Though my whole body ached for me to stop, I continued running. I had to, I just had to. There's got to be away to escape this fucking place. To escape me...

I sat in my bed with tears flooding out of my eyes. The darkness of my room was overwhelming. I looked at my cut up arms and watched as the blood dripped down my wrist. I knew I should probably stop cutting, but I couldn't. It was my coping mechanism.
I started sobbing, as voices of my bullies filled my head
"Dowh, What's wrong Stein? Cat got your tongue? Why don't you go back to cutting your wrist, you freak!"
"Come on, Stein, just go kill yourself already, bitch!"

I held in my breath, quickly grabbing the knife and making deep cuts. I growled in pain, by now stabbing my arm, "It isn't fair!!!" I screamed out loud, "Why do I have to be such a failure!!?!?!?" I cried, "Why do they hate me..? I thought I was perfectly human like them..."
I looked at the blood on the knife. Whatever they said, it doesn't matter. Not anymore, at least. Nothing matters... everything is already gone. I have nothing. No scratch that,

I am nothing.

I started running faster. My legs kept on shaking.
I can now hear Bendy's footsteps, only softly. It wasn't enough to make me stop. Oh no, it just made me go even faster. He said something, I know he did.
But I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. All I did was keep on running..

Thunder cracked and boomed outside. I faced my brother calmly, my gaze toward him dull. I could tell he was angry with me, but that's how it's been lately. At this point, I don't even know why he's even angry. I barely do anything. All he's doing is making my self-esteem worse.
"So, I heard you badly injured a kid at school yesterday.." He said coldly.
I twitched, "So, you're just going to believe what others say?"
Truth to be told, I was the one who was beat up; By some cocky kid who wants my neck in a noose. He and his friends must've spread rumors about me, and somehow they got to my brother.
"And who is in charge?" Jake said. Of course. That excuse.
"Oh right, because you think you're sooo right about everything.." I muttered. I instantly regretted it, though.
"You know what, (Y/n). I'm sick and tired of your games. You need to face reality, and grow the fuck up.. now, stop lying to me.."

I looked at him with disbelief, "Are you kidding me?!?! I didn't even say anything! How can I lie when I didn't speak!-"
"Shut up!" He snapped at me. The only reason he yelled at me, was because I'm right and he wrong. That's the only reason....
Jake took a deep breath, then glared at me, "Tell me what happened yesterday, and don't you lie to me."
"A kid from my class started following me around," I began to tell him, "He and his friends beat me up, then made rumors about me behind my back.."
Jake clenched his fists, "That's not what I heard..." He murmured, "I heard that you almost killed someone!"

"What? I-i didn't do that! I would never do that, and you already know that!"
Jake huffed, "Did I really know that? Cause right now, I don't even know if you can be considered my sister.."
Thunder and lightning crackled at the same time; I lost my temper at Jake, "I'm telling you the truth! I would never ever lay a hand on someone violently. You should stop listening to what others tell you just to fit in. It could actually hurt someone-"
He then did something I would've never thought he'd do. He slapped me on the cheek, very hard too. I stared at him with shock, holding back my tears.
"You listen to me, young lady. I don't want to hear any other bullshit come from you ever again. If I hear one peep out of you, you're in big trouble, understand?"
I nodded.
"This conversation is over then." With that, he rushed out of the room, leaving my frail ugly body on the ground crying.

Tears flooded my eyes. I came back into reality for a second. That explained alot. Those messages he left on read, those calls he purposely missed just to ignore me. He started to not care about me; that was the day it all started happening.

I'm alone in this world. These memories are only proving it. I can't even remember how I got into this situation anyway. Why am I doing the things I do? I just want to escape reality. Or to feel what it's like to be normal, like it was back when dad was still alive. I closed my eyes once again, walking back into my memories.

I opened my eyes again. I was back in high school, notebooks in my hands. It was algebra for me; a class I'm not looking forward to. I headed to my locker, getting the lock open, and getting out my stuff. Just then, someone walked up to me, wrapping his hands around my hips. I felt my heart almost stop, when he turned me around to face him. His brown eyes glared at me lustfully, "Hey, kitty~" He purred out.
I glared at him dully, "What do you want, Cas?"
"You know what I want~" He murmured, nuzzling my neck, "Come~skip class with me~"

(Alright guys, this is where it takes a turn, if you want to skip this part, then skip it until this memory is over)

Before I had any chance of saying anything, he picked me up, and went into the janitor's closet, wrapping a piece of cloth around my mouth. I tried squirming away, but all it did was make it worse. His grip on me tightened, while he stripped both me and him.
My heart beated in my chest. I hate this. I hate being defenseless. It makes me realize that I'm weak. It makes me realize that I'm a frail little girl. I don't want to be that...

I felt his bulge near my private area. I tried to beg for mercy, but that made it all worse. Honestly, I should've known.
He entered inside me, enjoying every moment of it too. Tears formed in my eyes. I tried to move once again, but this time, it pleasured him more. The pain; it hurt, it hurt so much. I wish it could stop. But that's all I can do, is wish and wish and wish. Nothing ever happens. In fact if I keep wishing, I make it worse.. Blood came from my pussy where he thrusted.
Tears fell from my eyes. I thought about being somewhere else, somewhere peaceful.

And that's that...

If you are skipping that previous section, you may now continue to read in peace

I quickly snapped back into reality, gasping. My whole body was trembling. I collapsed onto the ground; I couldn't help it.
My breathing was fast and ragged from stress, I tried to regain it. Tears kept on falling from my eyes, I let all my stress go.

God, I really hate when I go way across the line and have a psychotic breakdown. It does me absolutely no good.
Bendy appeared in front of me, a frown on his face, "(Y/n...." He growled,
"You're. coming. with. me."

I started shaking with fear.
Oh boy, I sure am a dead man after what happened...

A/n; Okay, I'm sorry for randomly showing up with a bunch of warnings of sexual abuse. I just had some thoughts about it, and actually put it into action. Don't worry, you probably won't see any of that unless I'm mentioning it in the story (cuz it is apart of (Y/n)'s life-)
If sexual abuse is ever mentioned again, I promise to give out warnings, as usual.

Also! I have another picture of Mika. This is just what she looks like, because I have a sorta hard time explaining things:

 This is just what she looks like, because I have a sorta hard time explaining things:

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(Art is by me!^^)
Soo yeah, that's about it! See you guys in the next chapter!

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now