(Part 2 Chapter 2)A day in the park

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what I really like about you?" She asked still smiling. "Well no, not really."
She snored a little, "I like it that we have some much in common, we were both rejected from humanity, you understood me perfectly and accepted me as I am and this is why I like you." She was looking in the distance while she talked and then turned to me, looking me in the eyes.
I smiled and looked into the distance as well, "Can say the same about you, I'm glad that you came with me."
"Even though you have to share your bed?" She smirked, "who said I don't like it that you are in the same bed?" After realizing what I just said, I felt how I turned red like a tomato and so did Chara.
"Well, I'm not you?" She asked while sitting right next to me, putting her head on my shoulder. "No, I don't mind it."

After a bit, she sat down between my legs, her head on my chest and the eyes closed. I wrapped my arms around her while snuggling my face into her soft hair...

(Frisk's P.O.V.)

I went back to look if (Y/N) is coming but I couldn't find him or Chara anywhere. After a while of searching, I saw him a bit further away under a big tree. "Hey, you what's taking you so- oh." I noticed that he and Chara were asleep and were also... cuddling? I couldn't help but smirk.
Screw every other ship, this is my number one ship now! I'll better give them some time...

(Your P.O.V. again)

"Hey wake up." I shook Chara a little, "Uhm wha uh chocolate where?" She rambled a little, "Oh! (Y/N) sorry." We both got up. "It's alright, now where's Frisk?"
"Hehe, took you two a bit of time to wake up." I heard Frisk laughing who was sitting in the tree. "Oh, Frisk! Wait a minute, how long have you been here?" I asked her.
"Long enough!" She jumped down. Me and Chara were both a little red and Frisk just smirked.

"So what now?" Frisk started but was interrupted by some loud shouting.

"If it isn't my two favorite idiots! Looks you two are having a little romantic date uh?" Not again. We all turned around stood. "What? surprised to see me?" Nico with his two friends of course...

"What do want?" I asked harshly, "Ohohoh, watch out what you're saying. There is no teacher around to save you here." He laughed and picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at Frisk.
"OUCH!" It hit her right in the face, "FRISK!" I quickly got over to her, her forehead was bleeding, and turned around to them again, but what I saw was surprising.

"Whoa, whoa! What the-!" Chara stood there and had him picked up with one arm like he's nothing.
"Listen carefully. If you do something like this ever again I am gonna rip off your head and play football with it, get it?" She had her threatening voice tone again but was not trying to hide it. I saw the fear on his face.

One of his friends grabbed his baseball bat and I knew what he was planning. "Oh, don't you fucking dare!" I reached my left arm out and picked him up with magic, letting him float 1 meter over the ground. Chara then threw Nico like 5 meters far and said "And now leave before I change my mind." I let the other one drop onto the ground and they all ran off.

"Hey, you alright there?" We checked on Frisk, "Yeah, just hurts." I placed my hand on the injury and healed it up with magic.

"Thank you two, especially Chara I-" But Chara cut her off. "I can't let an idiot like him bully my little sis." She had a satisfied smile, "besides, I felt good to fight again!"
"Chara! I thought we stop this!" Frisk yelled shocked.
"Sorry can't help it, the high LV is still there... on the both of us." She bit her bottom lip and looked at me. "Oh right..." Frisk replied.

"How about do something fun now?" I suggested. "A movie?" Frisk asked, me and Chara nodded and we went to the cinema. After we bought two tickets and some popcorn we went to our seats. We sat down Frisk to my right, Chara stood there for a moment then smirked and sat on my lap. "C-chara?"
"Ssssh the film's starting, besides you like it don't you?" And we went silent...

"I knew he was the bad guy all the time!" I said while we were leaving the cinema, "Yeah me too." Chara agreed. "It was pretty obvious."
"Soooo, what now?" Frisk asked. But my stomach answered for me growling loudly, the three of us had to laugh. "So Grillby's?" Chara asked. Me and Frisk nodded in agreement. "Time for the shortcut!" I teleported us in front of Grillby's.

We went inside and took a seat, Frisk to my right, and Chara to my left. The Grillby came to take our order. "I'll take fries please." Frisk said cheerfully, "me too." Chara stated. "Same here," I said and he went off. After a while, he came back with the fries and I paid. "How is the business going?" I asked him. "It's going great, thanks." He simply replied and went off.

We were eating our fries when I looked to Chara who looked relaxed then she looked into the direction of the door and suddenly locked shocked I turned around as well and saw Sans just entered and came to us. "heya again." He greeted us, Chara was invisible again. He sat down next to Frisk. "Didn't you had a break a while ago?" Frisk asked him skeptical. "it's my second break or was it the third? or the fourth? i forgot." He laughed. Frisk facepalmed.

"hey (Y/N)?" He called me, "Yes?"
"what ya did back there, ya know what i mean."
"Oh, this?" I let a frie float around a little with magic. "exactly this, how do you do that?" I grinned, "Well you can do this too don't you? I mean you're a skeleton too." He looked at me with a confused expression. "yeah, of course, i can but you?"I snored
"Sans, by now you should have noticed that I'm not regular human." He still looked confused, I rolled my eyes. "I'm a half-monster ya dingus."
"wow, didn't know that's even possible. that's cool if ya ask me." Then his phone started ringing. "hold up."

"sup bro."
"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU?" We heard Papyrus shouting at the other end, "i'm at grillb's with frisk and (Y/N)."
"sure thing, i'll be on the way." And he hung up. "welp it's been nice but gotta go." He stood up and left the bar.


(A/N) So the second surface chapter is done! And the romance is slowly starting!

Artwork by: I have no clue, pls. tell me if you know

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