In the silence, Regan said, "You have no right..."

He interrupted sanguinely, but was not talking to her. "Yes. I think you spoke to me," he replied factually, "before I passed my phone to her, earlier." Paused and listened while his eyes stayed on her. Regan's eyes widened in dismay and alarm. Surely they would not talk to him about her or discuss her health. He is not a relative, nothing to do with her at all. "Yes. I know. Patience confidentiality." This was getting worse by the minute, Regan thought as she heard part of the conversation. Gray stated baldly, "But she has been a tad economical with her report of her condition." Regan glowered. He ignored that. "Hence this call. We need a home visit." Listened again. Impudent and undaunted he said, "As soon as possible." He nodded although he knew the doctor would not see that gesture. "Yes. I will." Paused again. "Great. Yes. Use this number." She shook her head dolefully. Gray looked at Regan and he said with triumphant in his tone, "Yes. Appreciated that." Listened again. "Great. Thanks. Bye." He terminated the phone call.

"You can't talk to my doctor about me!" Regan threw him a warning glower.

"Too late." He put the phone in his back pocket.

His words and his stance should have intimidated her, but she muttered smugly, "They didn't tell you anything."

"True." He flicked her one of his supercilious looks!

She huffed. Obviously she was not going to win this argument. "I'm going to sleep." She trained her eyes on his, she said petulantly, "Go away."

He shook his head, "They said drink fluids." He quirked an eyebrow as he reminded her, "That's what you said." He replied calmly. Totally unfazed by her tone and her body language.

"I will." She disdainfully threw the two words at him. She inched back up the bed. Amazing how time makes a difference. The man currently in her bedroom now had the stamp of authority. Sheer arrogance. Now, issuing orders without any concerns and with conviction. His eyes clearly showed annoyance but his voice was cool and expected her to follow his orders.

"Do not get out of bed!" Banked his exasperation, he pivoted around and walked out of the room.

Regan snorted, just before another tremor hit her. She curled on her side and closed her eyes.

He was back in less than five minutes with a jug of iced water, and a glass. He put them on the small bedside cabinet. Being in her room reminded him about the furniture they had taken. The furniture in her bedroom was old. The décor dated. Spartan, too.

Regan opened her eyes when she heard him pouring out a glass of water. She thought he had left. But she watched Gray as he placed the glass on the cabinet. She reconciled, "Thank you." And sighed wanly before adding, "Now leave." Her brows furrowed. And their eyes blazed at each other

"Your bedside manner needs work." He muttered. He deliberately ignored the command in her voice and saw her wince. He held the glass and shook his head in exasperation.

"I'm the patient here." She replied and tried not to show the fact that another gripe was working through her. She didn't have enough in her stomach to throw up. She curled into a foetal position again. "Just go." She muttered and winced.

Gray was beyond exasperation. It was pretty obvious she was in severe discomfort. The fact she was trying to hide just how much she hurt meant that he was going nowhere. "I can't leave you like this." He began to say in a tone of voice that Regan was sure had quelled many at his new farm.

"I'm not your responsibility." She replied and blindly reached for a handful of her duvet. Gray put the glass on the cabinet. "Go away." She mumbled with little energy in her voice. With little remaining strength she, with Gray's help, pulled it around her, and she snuggled beneath it. She closed her eyes, hoping he would take the hint. "Thank you." She mumbled. She intended to get a few hours rest then go back and hose down the milking shed, and do some of the other tasks that needed to be done. At least she wasn't expected in today, not now that they knew she had some sort of tummy upset. "I'm going to sleep."

He smiled gently in understanding but said firmly, "Good idea. But first, drink."

"Go away." She muttered.

He drolly told her, "Not yet. Drink something." He reached for the glass. He quirked an eyebrow in challenge.

She took a deep breath, let it out in a loud sigh. She cloaked her frustration with a heavy shield of self-control and reached for the glass that he held in front of her. He gave her the glass.

"Good." He said. Gray stood beside the bed in silence, and watched as she drank. She took a couple of sips and handed the glass to him. He shook his head. "More!" He remonstrated firmly. Doing battle with a tyrant was exhausting, she thought, as she capitulated with loaded resentment, she took another sip. "Just a few more sips." He waited for Regan to drink at least half of the water in the glass. And he was pleased to see that the shudders were lessening.

Exasperated, she said, "Enough. Remember I am a doctor."

He flicked a piercing look at her before he stated, "Ok, for now." She placed the glass on the cabinet. He banked his smile when he saw her sighing.

She leaned back and then she snuggled beneath the lace duvet. Well at least the water had calmed her guts. She closed her eyes. He figured she was hoping he'd take the hint. But he was going nowhere.

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