Hargrove's Cookie

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Billy Hargrove, the most sought after guy in High School, maybe even of his age range of the entire town of Hawkins...and he was all yours. He was cocky, no doubt, but one of the absolute sweetest men and friends anyone could ask for. Billy knew he was attractive but he'd grown past having one way conversations with girls who just wanted a quick fuck so they could say "I had sex with Billy Hargrove" to all of their little girlfriends. He still wanted sex, but he wanted it with meaning. You two had been dating for about 6 months, which is about 5 months longer than most typical relationships seemed to last from that age frame and despite all, it was pretty serious.

You were his jewel and every time you two met up it was like the first time you'd ever set eyes on each other, which was when you two locked eyes from several tables over in the lunch room. There wasn't an ounce of shyness in Billy to make him hesitate in strutting over to your lunch table and charming you with his smile.

It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon on a beautiful but cool Friday and the both of you had extracurricular activities after school; his was basketball. At the beginning of the year Billy and his best friend Steve Harrington signed up and made the team with no effort and a few days a week after school stayed after for practice. Word was stirring around the school that Billy and Steve had a secret affaire de coeur going on as they were always together when Billy wasn't with you, but you knew better.

When you're dating the most eligible High Schooler in all of Hawkins, Indiana you're bound to hear things, many deflecting an obvious diversion of jealousy and wanting what you two shared, even if it meant pinning a false label of homosexuality on two people who were nothing more than friends and platonic soul mates. High School kids were right nasty and mean.

After gathering your backpack from the locker and slamming it shut, you walked down the hallway towards the school exit and just before pushing open the clear, heavy door a smile rushes across your face as you see Billy. Billy had been let out of practice a little early and had moved his car up close to the curb. He stood, arms folded and a Marlboro half hanging out of in between his pink lips with his back pushed up against his late 70's Camaro LT.

Aside from no shirt and that blue jean jacket he liked to wear, Billy was wearing his short, green 80's length Hawkins Phys. Ed shorts which were enough to give the whole school a flash had be bent over to pick something up. A bulge was clearly visible outlining the vestige of that scrumptious looking dick. Obscured slightly by crossed arms was his chiselled flat, muscular stomach. Aside from the entire shebang, the most eye-catching thing to you was the smile Billy had on his face as you stepped out of those doors and into the freedom of the weekend and warmth of his welcoming expression. He was truly breath-taking. An Adonis.

"Hey, beautiful, are you ready to go?" Billy says as he embraces you. It was truly a mystery how that cigarette dangled out of his lips as he talked without crashing down to the concrete. But he loved his Marlboros.

"That's an understatement! Let's get outta here, sexy.", you pecked Billy right on his cheek as he opened the door to his gorgeous sports car to let you in. One of his most prized possessions after you and it was almost as blue as those tight, stare inducing blue jeans he wore at least once a week. Whatever cologne he'd been carrying with him and used after his shower was enough to curl your toes as your lips left his cheek and the smell lifted up from his neck.

"You're gonna catch a cold with a wet head like that!" you add as Billy steps in on his side and turns the key, revving the engine a couple of times to show off. The ringlets of his butterscotch blonde hair were still dripping slightly from showering.

Billy pulls a lighter out of the console and lights up another smoke and turns his head to you, "You'll just have to warm me up tonight.", he smiles and peels tires as you head out of school grounds.

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