Scouts Honour (2)

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The following days are the same leading up to Friday. Tuesday evening, you and Nancy are sprawled out on her bedroom floor, highlighting pages in your biology textbooks with green and blue markers. Wednesday after school, you drive Dustin and the rest of the party back home from AV club, the two of you eat supper with your mom as soon as you step through the front door. Thursday, you have dinner with Nancy and Johnathon. The diner is never busy on Thursdays, it's the night designated for the three of you.

You stand in front of the mirror on Friday, the same way you did last week and the week before that. The party on South Jameson is a new one, only thirty minutes away instead of your usual hour commute. You don't know who's going, or how Billy scored an invite himself. You wonder if people you know will be there, or if it'll be just the two of you like last time. You contemplate for a moment. You don't need to go. You could get in your car and drive to the new party you were invited to last week. You could leave Billy on his own, give him the impression that you still hate him, that last Friday was truly a one-time thing. You'd be lying to yourself if that's how you want this evening to go.

You find yourself at the address against better judgement. The street is already filled with cars when you park. You can faintly hear the music coming from inside through the car windows. You feel nervous all of a sudden, or maybe it's still the guilt. You know you shouldn't have come, it goes against the rules you and Billy agreed on seven days ago. It only adds to the lies you'll feed your friends. Before you can change your mind, you step into the house.

You're ushered immediately by strangers towards the kitchen where they make you a drink. They all seem as friendly as the people you usually meet outside of Hawkins, you wonder how Billy got acquainted with them. It feels nice, it's a different pace than what you're used to in the town you've adopted as your own party place just East of here. You scan the room taking a sip from the drink. You don't see Billy, he's a hard person to miss. He'd easily tower a head above everyone here. He's the kind of person to make himself known in a crowd, whether that's intended or not.

"You came." You hear him say behind you.


"A little," he admits, "I'm glad you did." You turn to him then. He looks bashful as he scratches the back of his neck, coughing a little to clear the air. "Here, have some of the good stuff." You don't bring attention to how quickly he changed the subject. He pulls a flask from his back pocket, unscrewing it as he brings it towards your cup.

"Are you trying to roofie me right now? Right in front of my face?" You feign horror, tugging your drink away, careful to make sure its contents don't end up on the tile below.

"Is that really something you think I'd do?" He rolls his eyes. You only cock a brow in response. "Don't answer that." He warns, bringing the flask to his mouth and taking a gulp. He wipes his lips with the back of his hand in annoyance. "Have I proven myself?"

"I guess so." You shrug, reluctantly handing him the cup. "What is it?" You ask, watching as he pours a generous amount of clear liquid.


"Oh god, you might have to pick me up off the floor in an hour. The last time I had that shit I nearly died." You laugh, taking a drink anyway. Your face scrunches at the taste despite trying your hardest to ignore its lingering burn in your throat.

"Duly noted." He chuckles, leading you away from the kitchen and out the back door.

"How'd you know about this place?" You ask, stepping onto the deck to follow him. There are people screaming below playing pool games and wrestling in the water. You look at them with amusement, it's far too cold to find that enjoyable.

Dacre Montgomery Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now