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"She was pretty," El spoke with tears in her eyes. Billy began to remember. His first love. Y/N.

"Billy, come back to bed! I'm freezing my balls off in here, you know," you giggled, snuggling under the covers more. Billy smiled widely, returning back to his bedroom. The sight of your hair all sprawled out on the pillow and his oversized shirt on your body made him feel warm. And he loves it.

"You can make yourself warm, you know, princess," he smirked, leaning against the doorframe. He laid back down beside you, combing through your hair with his fingers. "I have to tell you something." "Go for it." He frowned, "I- Uhm. I'm moving. My dad's making us move. In two days." Your heart sank at his words as you looked him in the eyes, "Billy..." He didn't want to admit it, but he'd cried about it every night since he'd received the news. You were the only thing that kept him sane and happy. You even got along with Max when she would annoy him. How could he get by without you?

"You were spending your last day with her. You'd taught her how to surf. And you made paintings with her. She wore a baby pink one piece and you liked the way the colour suited her," El began to let the tears drip down as recognition flashed through Billy's eyes.

"Come in Billy! The water feels amazing! Plus. After you taught my clumsy self how to surf earlier, you deserve to relax. If this is our second to last day together, I want to spend it watching the sunset on the beach," you smiled slightly, holding your hand out for him to take. Much to your surprise, he took it and walked into the water with you. He didn't speak for a few moments and you began to worry. "Billy? Are you-" Your words were cut off by him picking you up by your waist and spinning you around before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. After what seemed like minutes, the two of you pulled away. "I like you a lot." "I like you more."

Eleven continued, hoping it would bring Billy back, "you were going to ask her to marry you after your graduated. You had a ring so you decided to ask her the next day instead. But your dad made you leave a day early. That day she wasn't there to protect you from your father."

Billy fiddled with the ring in his back pocket out of pure nerves. Even while scared to death, he still had his classic, earth shaking, world stopping smile. His father began to yell, breaking his thought, "get your lazy ass in the damn house and help load the boxes, Billy." Billy's brows twitched in confusion as he ran inside. "We weren't supposed to move until tomorrow-" Billy was cut off by his dads harsh spoken words and a smack to the face, "I said now, Billy." Ever since Billy found you outside of that horrible lab where they tested and experimented on you, he helped you discover what your powers were and how to control them. Since then, you'd always find a way to distract his dad whenever he'd go to hit him. Sometimes you'd use your telekinesis to move his hands or things off of the table. But Billy had no choice then, so he did as he was told and then hopped into the moving truck, looking out of the windows for any sign of you. When he saw none, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to go back to sleep.

The people surrounding Billy gasped. Rumors had been going around about as to why Hargrove wouldn't have sex with any of the million girls that threw themselves at him. Many said he had a secret lover and many said he was just sneaky. Turns out, they were right because Billy did have a secret lover. Y/N L/N. Tears began to fill Max's eyes as she thought about Y/N. "You miss her. You still have a the ring," Eleven whispered, watching tears roll down Billy's face.

Billy remembered when he had gotten the news that you had died in the crash. But they found no body. So he held on to the thought that you were alive for forever. He wouldn't sleep, eat, or even leave his room for at least a few months after your passing. He always heard your voice in his head telling him to get better and move on but he couldn't. Not from you. The only thing he had left of you was the presents you'd gotten him for every single holiday/event since he met you when he was 8. He kept it all. Most importantly, he had the ring he was going to give to you.

Dacre Montgomery Oneshots.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora