Something from home

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Closing your eyes, you lean back in the seat wanting nothing more than to be there already.

You've been working on this, wanting it to be the perfect moment ever since he flew back out. The thought of seeing him in person and not a pixelated version on a screen made the butterflies in your stomach return from hibernation.

"Attention everybody we're about twenty minutes from landing, please prepare for departure." A voice announces as you open your eyes, rubbing them tiredly.

Sitting upright, you stretch out as you peer through the window seeing the city you've heard so much about, but have never had the chance to see in person.

All of this is thanks to Joe Keery and Finn Wolfhard.

For the past month, they've been dropping hints and giving you information. They send videos of Dacre curling up to a pillow in the morning muttering your name and how you give him the best cuddles. You've been begged to go just to keep him at ease and stop his constant whining. I mean, how could you resist?

As you arrive at the Arrivals lounge, your eyes wander in search of your name being scribbled on a piece of paper. You smile as a man stands with your name as he shifts his weight from one foot to another.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." You speak up and the guy takes a hold of your luggage as you follow behind him toward a Jeep.

"Please Miss, they're waiting for you." He instructs as you both stand outside of the Jeep whilst your eyes remain wide.

Before you can question it, the window rolls down and Joe sticks his head out. "You should've seen the fear on your face," he shakes his head, a smile growing. "priceless."

You roll your eyes before opening the door and sliding into the seat beside him. "You're such an ass, Keery." You mutter as the Jeep begins to drive off.

"An ass who is giving your boyfriend a surprise of the year."


Walking into the set you pull at the bathing suit as you take your position. You were instructed to just lie back in the sun keeping your eyes shielded with the sunglasses and fluff your hair back.

Around you, others are getting into their places as the crew finish setting up. "He's not gonna know what hit him." Cara walks by, her lips bright red as she smiles to you before taking her place right by the pool.

"Okay and cue Dacre," The director sounds and suddenly your heart is resting in your throat.

The moment you've been waiting for, longing for is about to happen and suddenly all your preparation doesn't feel right. What if you ruin the scene for him, or that you mess up his hair and makeup and waste everyone's time?

Your eyes wander beneath the sunglasses as worry rises through your body, but you don't have time to react. The doors are forcefully pushed open and cameras pan around your boyfriend.

He strolls out and you don't have to pretend to be in awe of him, hell half the women here aren't pretending safe to say.

Children and adults continue to play in the pool. You can see him out of the corner of your eye, how he is slowly walking and nearing Cara along with the other ladies.

And then it's the cue you know could ruin it all. The sound of feet pattering toward you as a child runs followed by the abrupt sound of a whistle. You were told to wait for the whistle before sitting upright and removing your sunglasses, feigning shock as Dacre yells at the poor kid.

"Hey! No running on my watch, if I have to warn you again you're banned for life." He yells and you feel a shiver course through your body.

Dacre continues his walk, but you can see him pause before looking back over to the spot he had just focused on to scream at a child.

You keep your sunglasses removed as you lie back, not wanting it to be too obvious. But then you hear the sound of that infamous chuckle before your sunlight is being blocked.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm trying to soak up some sun." You state, your eyes closed before you glance up seeing him looking at you in a state of disbelief.

"Honey, you're in the wrong country for some real sunshine." He says, unable to wipe the smile from his lips as you sit upright, focusing on him. "How, I mean, what?" He chuckles, looking around as everyone smiles. "Wait, everyone knew?"

You nod as you stand up, moving a stray curl from his eyes. "Gotta thank the team, they did a real deal on you." You tell him as you kiss him softly, but you pull away before he wanted. "Have to save something for later, baby." You whisper before taking your position back on the sun lounger, waiting for the scene to begin again.

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