Lose It PT 3

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Over the next few days, you stayed away from Billy, even if that meant carrying all your books around with you for the next few days.

Billy found himself more irritated than normal, smaller things pissed him off, Max bugged him to the hill and only seeing the back of your head wasn't helping as it only infuriated him further even though he wouldn't admit that. Just like how he wouldn't admit that the reason tensions were high around him were because he didn't get his daily dosage of you.

However, when it came round to Friday, he had a reason to try and talk to you.

You were walking home as Jonathan wasn't at school that day to give you a lift and you weren't a fan of the bus driver so walking was the only option you had.

You heard Billy's car coming up behind you but didn't dare look down to the window level.

"Get in." Billy yelled out to you. You continued to look straight ahead as he cruised beside you. "I said get in." Billy repeated, you stopped and so did he.

"Why?" You asked him, throwing your hand up dramatically.

"Get in the car, Y/N." Billy persisted, you scoffed, shaking your at him in disbelief but you still climbed into his car.

"This better be good, Hargrove." You warned him. Billy put his foot down and sped off without another word.

You soon found yourself outside the front of his house, parked but still inside the car.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, you could see his step-mom rushing around inside from the window.

"I don't know–I don't know what the... the situation is here, L/N, but I know that I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have threatened you." Billy fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably, tightening and un-tightening his hands on the steering wheel, you had never seen him like this before.

"Is this your way of apologising?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Don't get used to it." He said with the cigarette between his lips.

You watched him open his car door and climb out, he rested his forearm on the car roof and leant down towards you.

"Will you come inside, my dad wanted to have you over for dinner again." Billy asked you. You didn't respond verbally, you just followed him into the house and greeted his parents.

The dinner was still tense and awkward but fortunately, there was more chatter from you, Susan, Neil and Max. However, Billy only spoke when he was spoken to and even then it was short answers.

You knew there was something so completely wrong with their relationship but you would keep that opinion to yourself until Billy was ready to openly speak about it, which might be never but it might be tomorrow for all you know.

You assumed the apology was so that you two could go back to your daily locker meetings and considering you had met his family twice now, you would even as far as considering the devilishly good-looking boy a friend.

Billy offered to take you home again and this time, the car journey was more relaxed. He quietly played some rock music, you particularly liked 'Rock you like a hurricane' especially when you heard him sing along to it under his breath as he turned down your street.

"Thanks for the ride." You said as you reached for the handle.

"I'll see ya." Billy nodded, his eyes meeting yours. You sucked your lower lip between your teeth and stared at the boy for what felt like a minute but in reality was about a millisecond before you opened the door.

"Goodnight Billy."

When you spoke, you were halfway out of the door and then you felt Billy's hand on your forearm as he tugged you back inside the car.

You furrowed your eyebrows but before you could say anything, his hand was holding your cheek and his lips met yours.

You reached up to the back of his neck and one of your hands pulled on his curls lightly as you kissed him back equally as hungrily.

You pulled apart and the boy smirked. You tried not to smile whilst you caught your breath. He kissed you again, and you pulled away again.

"I have to go." You said, then he kissed you again and then again before you finally left the car and ran up to the front door so he didn't chase after you.

You watched from the window as he sped off like he usually does then you let yourself smile ear to ear.

The next morning, you were at the lockers first. You were pulling your Biology textbooks out when a heavy arm slung around your shoulders and the waft of Billy's aftershave hit you.

His arm forced you spin around and you found yourself pressed against the locker, with Billy's hand holding your jaw and his lips on yours much like the previous night in the car.

When Billy pulled away, you were suddenly very aware of all the high school girls staring at you, you smirked at Billy, who was simply staring at you.

"What are you smiling about?" He questioned, in a happier tone than the last time he asked that question.

"The janitor behind you." You replied the same exact way as you did earlier that week.

Billy rolled his eyes and just kissed you again.

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