Heart Torment

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Hey guys! So I thought I'd be nice and let you have a read of an extract of the next part in the series. (Heart Torment) Hope you enjoy!!

"About a week ago someone told me something that made me laugh. They told me if they stop you half way through a conversation and tell you that they love you, then they're yours for life. At first, I laughed and they told me to go and think about it. So I did, and the more I let it sink in I discovered it was probably true. Why did I believe the love rumour that someone told me? It's because somebody told me that they loved me out of thin air. But there is one problem, their heart is taken by someone else. Someone who is worthy of their love and heart that isn't me. Someone who has been forever faithful towards them. And I am so sorry that they told me they loved me and care. I truly am. But I love them too and I always have. I've just been denying my feelings for so long now. They asked me if I would be theirs and... I will."

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