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I finally have a suitable song for a chapter ( I think. Idk ) But... it's another one by The Wanted and it is "Let's Get Ugly." It's all about forbidden love and an old western fighting scene. Idek, aha . Bye ❤

"I'm not in the mood for another argument so either leave, or come in and leave it be." I answer the door after unpacking; looking at Jamie sternly in his blue eyes before he nods his head and walks past; placing himself on my bed. I have such a love-hate relationship with him. Ugh.

"No more arguing. I promise." He rolls his eyes just as I shut my door, then walking over to sit beside him.

"How did Amelia get here? I thought she had some shows to attend to in Europe." I end the miniature awkwardness that was between us for a few seconds. Why am I jealous that she's here? It must surely be because I just wanted some alone time with my best friend, right?

"She did one show and then came straight here. She wanted to surprise me and she did. I'm not so sure she's happy about us kissing to be fair." A light chuckle tickles his throat. I'm happy about us kissing, Dornan. "How was April? Did you get to see Matt? I didn't see him when I got there." Dornan nudges my shoulder lightly being the nosey bastard that he is.

"She's fine, I guess. She has Alessia, Matt's new girlfriend looking after her. And I did see him, yes. I bumped into him at the airport but didn't really notice it was him at first." He takes my hand and leaves subtle kisses on it. Stop showing me so much affection. It's not fair!

"Oh, right. Do you think he noticed you?" He squeezes my hand as I lean my head on his shoulder just seconds before there's a knock on my hotel room door.

"Probably not. It propably doesn't matter though as I suspect April has told him everything." I laugh lightly as I open the door to see Taylor with my mobile phone in his hand. Yeah, 'cos it's really fucking funny isn't it, Smith?

"Evening, Taylor. Would you like to come in? A cup of tea maybe as I'm not too keen on the teabags I have, and I've got loads I need to use." I smile at him opening the door wider so he can come in.

"No thank you, ma'am. I just came to return this. You left it in the dining room from dinner earlier on." He elegantly passes me the small electrical device.

"Thank you. Good thing it didn't get into the wrong hands. Good night, then. I'll meet you in the lobby tomorrow morning." I kiss his cheek politely.; Taylor then removing his hat, nodding politely with a massive smile and heading down the green corridor. Keep your lips to yourself for fucks sake!

"You really shouldn't kiss him, you know? It's really unprofessional. And where was my offer for a cup of tea?" He sulks before pulling me into his lap as I stride back over to where he is. Kissing my security guard is unprofessional, I do agree. But you think kissing your best friend is any better even when the pair of you are in commited relationships? We're not foolish teenagers anymore, I wish we were, but we're not.

"I think somebody's a bit jealous that I kissed my security guard instead of you." I kiss his cheek to make it fair. STOP! "If you really want a cup of tea that tastes like shit, then okay. That is what you'll get." I stand up and walk over to the little hotel kettle; starting to boil it as I place my phone down on the table, and put the milk and tea bag in the mug; feeling a pair of arms go around my body and a chin leaning on my shoulder. This is becoming torturous now...

"When are you next seeing, April?" He says quietly as his grip becomes tighter.

"Tomorrow. She's coming to the set. Don't worry, we'll find a cafe or something and keep out of the way." I can't fucking wait! Was that sarcasm?... Yes it was.

"I'm sure Sam will be fine with that. You can be an angel and look after my little one whilst you're at it. Me and Amelia need some time when I'm in between shoots." He kisses my cheek and spins me around so I'm facing him. My lower back against the table that the kettle stands on. His arms either side of me as our bodies are just inches apart. Do it! Kiss him. No don't! Yes, do it!

"Knock, knock. The door was open-minded" Amelia walks in; her face saddening as she sees me and Jamie in our suspicious positions. Fuck, you could've had the best kiss of your life- No! Amelia saved your ass from making things even worse. Shit... she's gonna hate me even more now that she nearly had to witness her husband kissing another woman in real life. Fuck.

"Jamie was just getting something out of my eye. It's gone now though, thank you." The kettle's boiled so I quickly turn my back to avoid further eye contact with him. She's not gonna believe you for a single minute, Smith.

"That's weird. Considering you slapped him quite a few times whilst I was gone. And kissed him.." Amelia laughs subtly; my heart breaking as I know it's the truth. Gees, Smith. Get your act together.

"I was drunk and pissed off. He did nothing wrong but I got mad, real mad. I kissed him yes. What can I say? Once a slut, always a slut." I turn and face her, putting a sincere face on so she believes me.

"Right- well, I just came to see what my husband is up to with his best friend and if I was allowed to join in." She smiles linking her arm with Jamie. Don't be a bitch to your best friend's wife, don't, Smith!

"Jamie was just about to leave. So how about you follow your husband there and get out? I'll see you tomorrow." Well done, dickwad.

"Right. Well- see you tomorrow, Olivia." Her eyes turn dark as I have truly hurt her.

"Goodnight, Olivia." Jamie nods his head knowing that I am in the foulest of moods at this current moment. Olivia, you fuckup.

They're gone. Both of them. I drowned them out with my lies. What on Earth was I meant to say though? "Your husband just kissed me so let me tell you the truth and ruin your marriage for good. It's bad enough that he's sleeping with somebody in a movie; I just thought I'd make it even worse for you." I think I just need a good nights sleep before I have to go downstairs in the morning to face the married man that I love so dearly.

"Ma'am, it's seven-thirty! You need to get up." A loud voice comes from the other side of the hotel door. Ma'am? Must be Taylor as nobody else calls me "ma'am".

"Taylor, that won't do! Olivia, get your ass out of that bed now and come and open this door!" And there's my best friend.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Calm the fuck down, it's only 7:30. I'm tired! I jump out of bed in nothing but my lingerie and unbolt and open the oak door ever so slightly. "I'm in my underwear and I really don't fancy my security guard seeing me half naked." A tired yawn comes from my mouth.

"I'm coming in then." Jamie pushes the door open before closing it straight behind him. His back now leant against the door as he pulls me tightly into a hug; myself pulling away instantly. "Thank you for last night. You didn't need to do that." I walk away from him and open the white wardrobe that lays in the corner of the room. I know we're best friends, or whatever the hell we are right now, but I'd rather he didn't see me like this.

"Well I did, so leave it. That's what friends do. You ever heard of that word? Friends? Anyway, if I hadn't she would've taken my head for kissing her husband. Again." I laugh sarcastically.

"Someone's in a bad mood this morning." He queeries as I place a pair of ripped jeans and an old t-shirt of Jack's on before throwing a pair of socks and converse on as well; placing my phone into the jeans pocket.

"Just leave it. Now are we going for breakfast or not? There is pregnant lady right here who needs some food." Well fucking done there, dickwad.

"Yes, we're going to get breakfast, but you're not pregnant as you showed me the test and it was negative?" Jamie laughs with an unsettled tone.

"I gave you a fake one." I whimper very quietly.

"For a minute it sounded like you said you gave me a fake pregnancy test." He comes closer to me; anger raging in his eyes like never before. He goes to grab my head in his hands, but before he can I duck away and run for it. Go on, run like you always do. You pathetic bitch.

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