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  • Dedicated to Alessia <3

Chapter no.15, eh? WOOP. The song of today is "Lost Boy" by 5sos (again. I love em) hope you enjoy! Byeeee.

"Wake up, sleepy head. We're about to land." Jamie whispers with his arm around my shoulder; his hand draped over as he holds my hand. Lucky my dream was clean from sexualising Jamie. You really need to stop, Smith. He's your best friend, nothing more or less.

"Have I really been asleep for the majority of the flight?" I yawn with my head still leaning against his shoulder.

"No, I woke you up so you could go to the ladies and because my shoulder was becoming numb." He chuckles softly just before he kisses my head and the plane begins to land; causing a shiver to travel through my body. "It's okay.", He soothes me; undoing my seat belt and pulling me onto his lap. I instantly relax and place my arms around his neck as I let my head fall against his chin. I've only been awake for 30 seconds and he's already messing with my head. What is up with you at the moment, Olivia?

"Babies, eh? Can't sleep through people talking but can sleep through a plane landing." I lighten my mood by looking over at little Dornan sleeping in silence as the plane hits Vancouver grounds.

"That's because she's my baby girl so she must surely be special." He smiles lifting my fringe up to reveal a bruise. "What happened?" He worries running his thumb over it.

"It was a few days ago; to be precise the day before the ball. Jack came over and I got on the wrong side of him and yeah." Expect it to happen again soon, Smith. He's not gonna be very happy with you.

"That little shit. How dare he? I'm going to mess him up." He tenses so I take his hand so he can squeeze it.

"Oh my protective man." I whisper kissing his cheek multiple times. "How did you not see it yesterday or the day before though? You're always playing with my hair." I get off of his lap as an air hostess come around. Stay there Olivia, stay on his lap- No!

"I really don't know. All I know is that he is dead when we hit English land again." Jamie firmly says; his thumb running over my knuckles. I guess my best friend is now going to be a murderer in real life and TV series, The Fall.

"Hurry up, Fifty!! We have a taxi that we need to catch!" I shout over to Jamie who is far behind me as I go and collect our luggage; an arguing couple near by.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming! Gees, keep your brown and blue patched hair on, Smith!" He shouts back starting to walk forward before stopping. What on Earth has he seen?

"Surprise!" I hear a familiar lady voice shout. Amelia's voice.

Fifty then does that annoying and cringe worthy thing that always happens in movies; he drops all of his things and runs over to her before embracing her ever so tightly and kissing her a little bit too passionately.

"Amelia, you remember Olivia?" Jamie smiles at me as I roll my eyes at him before walking over to the lovey-dovey couple to stand beside my best friend.

"Hi. This is for kissing and hitting my husband." She plasters on a smile and then slaps me like there's no tomorrow. Lady, he kissed me. Smith, you really couldnt have expected her to not know about it all?

"Hi," I murmur rubbing my cheek? seeing Taylor behind us holding the little one. A sigh hits my mouth before I go and grab our luggage from the carousel. "I'll be back soon," I stutter and move back from them. They need space, Olivia.

"Don't be too long. We have a taxi to grab, remember?" He sulks as he lets me go to grab the belongings of mine, Jamie, his child and Taylor. I smile smugly before letting Taylor through; causing Amelia to swoon over her very cute baby girl.

"Excuse me," I shout, pushing past the people in the crowded airport so I can quickly go and grab my things and be out in time for the taxi. God is it loud in here! Would you mind shutting up? I've just been on a ten hour flight and already feel ill without a bunch of Americans and tourists giving me a headache. "Sorry-" Words come out of my mouth very quickly once I have accidentally bumped into someone. He looks up at me and we look at each other for a while before resuming to walk. His dark brown hair and black glasses all very familiar to me. I know him, but who is he? Why do I know him? How?

"Excuse me, have you seen a young girl with short brown hair and pink glasses around here?" A lady around my age pulls on my sleeve from behind me; her face filled with concern and her eyes full of stress.

"Sorry, no I haven't. I can help look for her if you want?" I scrunch up my nose and smile at her needing to call Taylor to ask him to get our luggage. "Just come with me a minute." I say pulling the mid-twenties woman along with me until I reach Taylor. "Can you get the luggage please and tell Jamie I'll find my own way to the hotel. Thank you." I smile at him before walking off before he has time to reply.

"Thank you. I'm Alessia. I have to find her as her father has just walked off and her mother left her when she was very little." She smiles as we walk into the first shop where she might be. I wanna say that was shit mothering, but that would make me a hypocrite. Maybe there's a whole group of mother's who leave as they're weak and pathetic.

"Oh right... that's awful. I'm Olivia, by the way." I look down an aisle of the record shop to find the young girl with short dark hair.

"Her mother was called Olivia, what a coincidence." She laughs sadly through one of the shelves as we go our separate ways.

"Yeah..." I feel bad. Bad about leaving April when she was only a young girl. Hold it together!

"Oh sorry. I didn't see you there." I mutter as I bump into a young girl with a hoodie on before she faces me and she walks back. "You like Caught In The Act? They were my favourite boy-band when I was little." A shy voice appears from my mouth as I look at her T-shirt.

"I know you did, mum." She takes off her hoodie and walks up to me before hugging me like she has never hugged anyone in her life before. Mum? What- no! Fuck no! Fuck. No.

"There you are, April! You really shouldn't walk off like that." Alessia smiles as she sees me and her hugging.

"Is it really you?" I look down at her as she nods her head. Fuck. No. It is her. "I'm so sorry, April" I get down to her height level and kiss her head multiple times before hugging her. "How did you know it was me?" How the fuck did she know? Did Matt find photos of me and show them to her or something?

"The fact that you mentioned Caught In The Act and the blue strand of hair." She giggles letting go of me so I can stand up.

"Where's your farther and why the hell are you at Vancouver airport?" I look at both Alessia and April. We are in Vancouver, right?

"I can answer that. Matt walked off because I said something that slightly upset him. We're here because we were meant to be going back to their home, North Carolina so Matt could visit his parents." Alessia smiles taking April's hand. Fuck, Matt. That's who I saw earlier. Fuck.

"He's always leaving and walking out on us, Mum. He has done ever since you left." April holds both mine and Alessia's hand. Don't hold my hand or call me mum, I'm not worthy of it.

"That's Matt for you, though. How about we get you home and you can show me your room and where you now live." I sigh as my little- big girl smiles and leads both me and Alessia out of the record shop and back into the airport traffic. What the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy?...

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