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Hope you enjoy this chapter/ are enjoying the fanfic. Love you. The song for this part is "One" by Ed Sheeran. Bye bye.


I wake up the following daybreak with a sore head, due to all of the alcohol I consumed the night before. I roll my eyes at myself for being so thoughtless before mounting out of bed to see a note from no other than James, telling me to call him as soon as I have read it. I place the note in my bin and pick up my mobile to phone him.

"Ah, good morning, Miss Smith. The hangover isn't treating you too badly, I hope?" Dornan utters down the line; my body tensing as I hear his crisp Irish accent.

"As hangovers go, I've had far worse thank you, Mr Dornan." I retort as I slip my slippers on and saunter down the stairs to get the morning paper.

"That's good. You can meet me at 20 Fenchurch Street in fifteen minutes then." He chuckles as I unlock my front door to find a paper with a blue rose attached to it, before taking it inside and fastening my red front door behind me.

"Jamie, I swear it better be worth it or you are going to be in big fucking trouble," I sigh as I unroll the paper and see the headline. "You do know we're on the front of probably most tabloids and newspapers. Who knows why they sent me a blue rose with it, though." I continue down the phone, smelling the scented rose.

"Oh, that was me. I saw them last night in a flower shop as I was buying Amelia some flowers, and I thought you would like one. Now if you excuse me I have a shoot to continue," He chuckles, again before hanging up.

"Thanks," I say to myself before heading upstairs to get changed and leave for 20 Fenchurch Street.


"I'm here to see Jamie Dornan. He, err... told me to meet him here?" I say with uncertainty to the blonde lady behind the desk.

"Certainly, Miss Smith. If you would sit in the provided seating area, please as I give him a call to confirm the appointment." She smiles before I nod my head and sit where she is pointing to. Once I have park myself down, I look around the grey building, my mind muddled about why she has to "confirm my appointment." I'm not at Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc... Or am I?

"Mr Dornan will see you now," the blonde lady smiles at me before she notions her head towards two grey doors.

"Miss Smith, how lovely to see you." Jamie smiles from behind a desk; his body shifting so he can stand up.

"The feeling is mutual, Mr Grey," I tilt my head to the side before sitting in a chair in front of the desk. "But I have to say, this is all rather weird. It's like I know this place." I say looking unswervingly at Jamie as he walks over and sits in the chair beside me.

"That's because we've decorated the place for it to look like Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. for a shoot. Hence the reason why I'm in my Grey coloured suit." He articulates, clearing part of my mystery up.

"Okay, but why is everybody acting like they work here? How did the woman at the desk know my name?" I guise at his Grey suit.

"Oh, I told them to. I wanted to scare you. I told her, Olivia, but I'm pretty sure the whole world now knows who you are," He rolls his eyes, picking up a newspaper off of the desk.

"I did tell you that down the phone, Dornan. Is Amelia alright with it?" I say ignoring his comment before taking his hand.

"Of course she is. The amount of reports there are of me and Dakota makes this laughable, for me and Amelia anyway." Jamie smiles his shyly before running his thumb over my knuckles.

"That's good; I can't say that Jack is going to be very happy with this. You heard him last night; he already thinks we're having some kind of affair." I pull my hand back and stand to go and look over the view of London.

"Well that's Jack; the biggest hypocrite known to mankind. And he's one to talk about the whole affair topic. You know what I mean, don't you?" He whispers placing an arm either side of me.

"Unfortunately, I do yes. I just wish he was manly enough to admit it." I sigh as I feel one of Dornan's arms go around me; resting his chin on my shoulder and holding me tight.

"I know you do. I just want him to realise how much of a jerk he is being to my best friend and that he needs to stop." Dornan coos before spinning me around so I am facing him; my eyes looking directly at his black, leather shoes. "Look at me. Why don't you just dump him? Or break up, even, as you're not high school students," He grasps hold of my chin with his thumb and index finger so I'm forced to look up at him.

"Because I really do love him. I've done it before but, I don't know. I guess I felt weak without him." I stutter, trying to hold back my tears.

"No, Olivia. No! You have no reason to feel weak without him. You are a robust and beautiful young lady. He should be the weak one for not appreciating what he has, okay? Now come and give your best bud a hug," He smiles before sitting on his desk and pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Thank you," I murmur quietly as I wrap myself around him and exhale heavily.

"Anytime, sweetheart. Are you going to be alright? If not, you can come and stay with me for a while if you wish to," He smiles, looking at me gently in advanced to kissing my forehead.

"No, I'll be fine, all I need is a Jamie Dornan forte." I giggle slightly looking over at a teapot and some tea cups over on a circular table.

"And a Jamie Dornan specialty you shall have, Miss Smith." He says gently before taking me over to the table to make me a cup of Jamie Dornan tea.

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