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Song suggestion for part 08 is "Casual Affair" by Panic! At The Disco. Enjoy :)


"I came in excess of expecting to be the one who should have to say sorry for my comportment from last night, but after what I've just read and seen I don't think I should have to." Jack snarls as I sit on a chair opposite him, still clinging onto Jamie's hand.

"No, you still should. It would be the true gentleman way to apologise, but yet again, you're not a gentleman. You're a jerk. And she's my best friend! I wasn't just going to watch her get eaten alive by fucking paparazzi." Dornan shifts so I stand up and places himself on the chair, before pulling me into his lap.

"Keep your nose out of mine and Olivia's commerce, yeah? Do us all a favour and run along to continue being the dirty Grey you really are." He spits in Jamie's face, causing my jaw to tense. How dare he spit at my best friend? The jerk; if anybody is the dirty and typical Grey around here, it's him.

"Do you mind not spitting on my best friend, Hyde? You have no fucking right to." I raise my expression as I rise from Dornan's lap and stand inches away from him, waiting for his reaction.

"Hyde? Stop being a little bitch and grow up." Jack slaps me out of the blue. 'Fifty' instantly stands up and takes my side, containing his anger with great concentration.

"You've just pushed it now!" I brush my cheek in pain. "Yes Hyde." I whimper in pain as he comes closer and whispers harshly into my left ear.

"What you going to do about me slapping you, Liv? You wouldn't dare leave me, would you?" A gulp instantly hits my throat as I look up at Jamie, intensely.

“There’s no way on Earth that I’m parting you with this psychopath, Olivia.” Jamie tugs me closer to him and hugs me. I disregard his statement and just look up and into his blue eyes. He rolls them and kisses my lips ever so softly; rambling upstairs so we can be left alone to talk.

“Did he just kiss you and you didn’t pull away?!” Jack yells and forms his hands into fists.

"How do you know I won't leave you? I can do whatever I want." I reply  quietly and change the subject, shutting the door that separates my living room and hall to the stairs.

"Because you've done it before and you came crawling back to me after a week. You need me. But then again, you've left before and I'm not the only one you've left now am I?" He smirks evilly trying to get to me.

"My past is none of your business. I did what I did for a purpose. It's what was best for everyone. So how about you keep your nose out of my business and just go." I re-open the door, gesturing him to leave.

"But it's your little girl's business in why she has been bought up without her mummy. Maybe I'll just leave you now before we do go down the marriage route and you get cold feet for the second time." He grabs my wrist forcefully.

"Shut up! Get out! My little girl has nothing to do with you and neither does Matt." I scowl pulling free and opening my house door.

"Oh Olivia. I'm not going to leave you or end this relationship as I enjoy this game and I like playing games with your thick little brain so laters." He kisses me and pulls back before I can respond then slamming the door behind him.

I fume up and go and open my front door, “Is this what this is to you; a game? I always thought relationships were puzzles you built together to make it last longer.” I shout out; complete strangers looking down my drive, a few with cameras. Everyone looks but Jack.

How does he know about all of that? Did I tell him? Crap. I probably told him on one of my alcohol sprees. I hunch back against my wooden front door after closing it and tuck my head into my knees, smoothly sobbing.

"Olivia? What on Earth did he do to you?" Jamie coos hastening down to see me bawling my eyes out as my phone notifies me. I grab it speedily to see a memorandum from Jack

*TELL DORNAN TO KEEP HIS HANDS OFF YOU AS I NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO SAY IT TO HIM MYSELF. HE NEEDS TO REMEMBER HE IS A MARRIED MAN AND YOU ARE VERY MUCH TAKEN. LOVE YOU.* I read it before throwing my phone into bliss ignoring Jamie's reaction before crying some more.

"He is just so confusing. He just does... that and then says he loves me." I breathe heavily in-between words as he crouches in front of me.

"Olivia, what did he do to you to make you cry so much?" His voice is low and quiet; his thumb wiping away my tears.

"He said how I wouldn't dare leave as I have before and well, you know what happened. And then he.. He bought up Matt and my baby girl." I cry louder as he instantly hushes me and pulls me into a full embrace.

"The little shit. How dare he talk about that?" Jamie tenses with fury and tightens the hug.

"He just did. He has a point though, James. I'm a horrible person. I left the man I was meant to marry the day before and left him with our little girl. So why he was there bringing her up, I was here flirting with Jack and having a laugh with you. What kind of mother does that?"

"A mother that does what she thinks is best for her and the ones she loves. You were seventeen; you probably had a great deal of pressure to deal with." Jamie whispers softly.

"Maybe so but I've left a lot of pressure on Matt. He was merely nineteen at the time and I vowed him the world. All I gave him was a nine month year old baby and a broken heart." My words come out as bleak mumbles as I sob into his shoulder as he tightens his grip even more.

"Shh. Quiet you. I expect it was a bit of a shock at first for him but he has probably gotten over it by now. We men do." He cradles my head and murmurs against my cheek.

"I ran away to be with him though and then I ran away to be far from him. Away from both of them. My little girl is twelve. Twelve years April has lived without her mother being there." I attempt to catch my breath back, sobbing ever so loudly.

"You need to calm down, Liv. You need a little time on your own." Dornan sighs pulling me up with him as he stands. "I'll go and call the child minder and ask for the address so I can go and pick the little one up. I'll see you in a bit." He wanders into my lounge to grab his jacket before walking back over to me, kissing my cheek and leaving my small house with his car keys in his hand; leaving me alone once again.

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