chapter 11~ Lovely looks

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They left about a quarter to noon, no one was at the reception desk at that time. They were on the London streets once more. Except, this time was different. Tewkesbury wouldn't stop giving her that, that, look. It was the same look her friend's fiance gave her. If her friend was here she would be teasing Enola nonstop. Enola decided to write her today. She walked over the the post office and bought some paper, stamps, and envelopes. She then asked to borrow a pencil. She then began to write the letter.
Dear Maddi,
I miss you so much! I just had to tell you something. I met this boy and he's giving me the same look your fiance gives you. You know looks better than I do.
Yours truly,
Enola Holmes
She put the letter into the envelope and handed it back to the man. "I believe you know a Maddi Eden?" Enola asked. "You don't need to send a letter, she lives down the street." He said, handing the letter back to her. Enola thanked the man and walked to Maddi's new home. She knocked four times on the door, a knock they had created just for each other. "Coming!" Maddi shouted. She opened the door to see Enola smiling brightly. "Enola!" She hugged her. "Maddi! Oh I've missed you dearly!" Enola exclaimed Maddi ushered her inside, before realizing she wasn't alone. "Who's this?" She asked suspiciously. "Oh, this is Viscount Tewkesbury, we jumped off a train together." Enola explained. Tewkesbury waved. Maddi rolled her eyes and let him inside as well. "Maddi, I need to talk to you
alone" Enola told her, dragging her outside. She handed her the letter. Maddi began reading it, before squealing in excitement. Enola glanced at Tewkesbury and shrugged. Enola pulled her aside, "So? What does it mean?" Enola asked. "For someone with Sherlock Holmes as a brother you really are clueless." Maddi claimed. Enola huffed and folded her arms. Maddi leaned to her ear and whispered, "He likes you"

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