chapter 4~ Romeo and Juliet

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Tewkesbury was the first to awake the next morning, or so he thought. Enola was sitting in a tree, wearing a long flowy dress. Gods she was gorgeous. "Morning Enola!" He shouted, frightening the girl. "Dear gods, do you ever- Ahhh!" She screamed falling. Tewkesbury ran over and caught her. "Thanks, but why did you feel the need to be so loud?" She began to brush the dirt off her dress. "Oh come on! It was just a bit of fun!" He claimed, whilst she rolled her eyes. "So it's fun falling out if a tree now is it? I'd like to see you try." She said firmly. He scoffed at this. "I'll have you know that I have fallen out of trees more than you would think." She shut her book and walked in the opposite direction. "Come on don't do me like that," he teased. She shot him a glare. He walked over in her direction, and sat down beside her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she couldn't help but lean her head on his shoulder. "Whatcha reading," he said. She looked up at him and smiled, "Romeo and Juliet, nincompoop." She laughed. "Come on I thought we discussed this, I wouldn't call you rose berry and you wouldn't call me nincompoop!" He said in protest. "Fine, you can call me rose berry." She sighed in defeat. He smiled at this. "Now, rose berry, I think I'll stay," he said matter of factly. She rolled her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder once more.
| A/N: Thanks for one thousand reads on my other story! Love y'all 💖
-B 🌺

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