Some SoKeefe Love PART 1

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This is a short SoKeefe scene... 

So, if you aren't SoKeefe, I would recommend skipping along this chapter...

ALSO, this is gonna be BAD, cuz I'm bad at these stuff...



Sophie had recently teleported over to the Forbidden Cities and dropped by Amy's. She had planned to get E.L. Fudges for Keefe, who was SUPER upset when hearing that his mom was responsible for a mass killing in London.

Sophie also stopped at a local grocery store to pick up some milk.

She quietly leaped over to Shores of Solace.

Heaving the heavy bag over her shoulder, she made her way to Keefe's room. 

It was messy and cluttered—and she couldn't blame him. Even Sophie was having a hard time processing this—especially since she wasn't even that close to Lady Gisela.

She found Keefe on his floor, crying silently. Sophie made her way over to him, and sat down.

She made him lean on her and put his head on her shoulder.

He noticed Sophie was there and tried to sit up.

"Sorry," he said, wiping his eyes.

"It's ok. What she did was..." Sophie replied.

"Evil?" he finished.

Sophie sadly nodded.

"Hey, no feeling sorry for me," he said, fanning the air in front of him. "I'm not worth this much trauma."

"Yes, you are.

He shook his head.

"Keefe—" Sophie tried.

"No, it's alright Foster. You really don't need to worry," Keefe begged.

"Are you going to do something illegal?" Sophie asked.

Keefe smirked—though it still held that lingering sadness—and told her, "You don't need to worry."

"Well..." Sophie started, but she had no idea what she was going with that thought. She shook her head, right before noticing how close their faces were. 

Her face burned and she scooted back, while Keefe cocked his head at her.

Needing to clear her head, she took a few deep breaths.

"You okay, Foster?" Keefe asked.

She shook her head, color still in her face.

He looked so strong, and she felt so helpless.

She came here to comfort Keefe, not the other way around.

"Sorry," she squeaked. Out of nowhere, she hugged Keefe.He was hurting, and she was making him feel worse. 

Still in that hug, Sophie murmured to Keefe, "People care about you Keefe. Whether you know it or not. Anything you do, will affect others around you."

"I know."

Smiling now, Sophie pulled back to take a look at Keefe.

His eyes had dark shadows and were puffy from crying. His skin was clammier and shone with a wet sheen.

His hair lay flat, with spots of feeble attempt at hair care.

His eyes, were looking straight at Sophie, probably the exact same way she was looking at him.

He looked away immediately, but Sophie started talking, "I-I want-ted you t-to..."

Her voice broke off. How did she never notice how his ice blue eyes had humor and pain? How his face had harder lines...

His pain had changed him.

Still, he waited patiently. For...her.

She stared curiously at Keefe. Trying to notice where Keefe had changed. He probably felt her mood shift or her pulse racing, but he took her hands.

"Sophie, I..." he had called her by her first name, something that only happened when he had something serious to say.

Suddenly, her mind went to the day that they joined the Black Swan. Keefe had said the exact same thing on the Eckodon, right before Dex had interrupted him.

His breath was on her cheek. His arms tightened ever so slightly, making her heart switch to hummingbird pace.

"Listen, Sophie I—"

Then Dex interrupted...

Now, years later, Sophie was wondering what was so important Keefe had wanted to say that he used her first name.

"Keefe..." she started slowly. His eyes told her to continue. "When we were on the Eckodon, on our way to the Black Swan... you tried to say something. 'Listen, Sophie I—'. What were you going to say?"

He was confused at first, but then he started blushing.

"It was...nothing."

He avoided her eyes and stared straight ahead.

Still gripping his hands, she slipped her hand higher.

Feeling his pulse, she asked again.

"Nothing. It was nothing."

Using the trick she had used before, she counted his missed beats.




One for guilt. One for fear. And one like a held breath, waiting to see if anyone will catch them.

Keefe, feeling her mood shift, pulled away.

"Please?" Sophie felt like whatever he had to say that day was important. And she wasn't letting go.

Fun fact, if someone feels extreme love for someone, Empaths can't tell that they are lying. *cough* Lady Gisela *cough*

"I just—" Keefe started.

Sophie felt him tense, like bracing for an attack. He looked Sophie in the eye.

"I-I—" he didn't seem capable of finishing.

Sophie made up her mind for him. She had never suspected him before. Never. She leaned forward.

She kissed him on the lips.

She pulled back, smiling at Keefe who stared at her, confused.

She got up and walked away promptly.

What? Did you expect it to end happily? Haha. No. It has to be a LITTLE hard to actually be good XD


There will be part 2 and maybe 3 too.


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