. . . Ready for It?

60 11 17

AyianaG haha

The Neverseen stood stock still, fists clenched under their cloaks. They stood in an intimidating line, facing the enemy. Their cloaks ruffled in the wind.

The Black Swan glared at them with the protection of their disguises. They spread out, ready for the final battle.

They glared at each other for a few more seconds before a Neverseen member stepped forward. He swept off his hood and the piercing face of Gethen stared back at them.

"Are you ready for it?" he sneered.

As if on cue, the Black Swan members tittered. They swept out of formation.

"BABY LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" the Black Swan chorused, loud music suddenly blaring from somewhere.

"LET THE GAMES BEGIN! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" they screamed. They swayed to the beat and blared out the music.

The Neverseen members glanced at each other. They shrugged and dropped their hoods.

"BABY LET THE GAMES BEGIN! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" everyone sang. They started the dance from the famous music video and swung their arms.


"You know, that song would be appropriate for Hunger Games," a Neverseen member noted. Some nods of agreement echoed through the two groups.

"OH MY GODS, I LOVE THAT FANDOM!" someone screamed.

Immediately, the threat was forgotten as they swarmed around each other, fangirling their hearts out.

In a tree, the only Neverseen member not dancing and singing was glaring at the fools.

"Idiots," Lady Gisela snorted. "Hunger Games is a stupid fandom."

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