Truth or Dare 1

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Sophie: Who wants to play truth or dare?

Marella: I'm good.

Dex: Me.

Biana: Ooh, ooh. I'm in.

Keefe: Sure.

Fitz: Okay. 

Linh: Yeah.

Wylie: Me too.

Tam: Sure, whatever.

Sophie: Okay. I'll go first.

Keefe: I will do Sophie. Truth or dare?

Sophie: Dare.

Keefe: Kiss me. 

Sophie: What?

Keefe: Kiss me.

Fitz: No.

Keefe: Don't be such a party pooper.

Sophie: Okay.

*Sophie kisses Keefe briefly*

Sophie*blushing*: Done.

Keefe*blushing*: Yeah, Foster.

Dex*rolls eyes*: Okay. Keefe's turn.

Keefe: Oh no.

Biana: I will do Keefe.

Biana: Truth or dare?

Keefe: Dare. I never pass down a challenge.

Biana: You'll regret it.

Keefe*gulp*: Do it. 

Biana*Whispers furiously in Keefe's ear*: Go downstairs and put on a dress of mine. Dress your hair up in a tuxedo and waltz downstairs and announce, "I am here with my date, my hair."

Keefe: Wait, why do I have to be the girl?

Biana*shrugs*: Just do the dare.

*Keefe does dare*

Biana: How did it go?

Keefe: Everyone was questioning my sanity.

Sophie: I couldn't have been that bad.

Fitz: Biana's turn.

Biana: Oh no. 

Fitz: I will do Biana.

Fitz: Truth or dare.

Biana: I will be the first truth of the night.

Fitz: Who do you like better? Sophie? Or me?

Biana: Oh. I thought it would be something hard. Sophie.

Fitz: What?

Keefe: Oh yeah. That was obvious. No one likes you.

Keefe: Anyway. Before Fitz murders me, Fitz's turn.

Tam: I will do Fitz. Truth or dare?

Fitz: Dare.

Tam: Kiss dirt.

Fitz: Wait, what?

Tam: Kiss dirt.

Keefe: Do it. Do it.

Fitz: Fine.

*Fitz goes outside and kisses dirt*

*Everyone laughs at Fitz*

Linh: I will do Tam.

Tam: Dare.

Linh: Go downstairs and dress in bright clothes and announce, "I love everything."

Tam: Way to torture me.

*Tam does dare*

Linh: How did it go?

Tam: Terrible.

*Mr. Forkle walks in*

Mr. Forkle: You kids and your silly games.

Dex: Wanna join.

Mr. Forkle: Yah.

Wylie: I will do Linh.

Linh: Dare.

Wylie*smirking*: Tell everyone in this room one thing bad about them.

Linh*gulp*: Sophie, you are too dramatic. Keefe, you are obsessed with your hair. Fitz, you have terrible anger issues. Wylie, you are too protective. Dex, you are so whiny. Biana, you are so fancy. Tam, you are so dark and surly. I want a happier brother. Mr. Forkle, you are so fat.

Tam: Wow.

Wylie: Yeah. Wow.

Wylie: My turn.

Dex: Truth or dare.

Wylie: Dare.

Dex: Kiss Linh on the cheek.

Fitz: What is up with all this kissing.

Wylie: Fine.

*Wylie kisses Linh on the cheek*

Wylie*blushing*: Your turn Dex.

Dex: Truth.

Mr. Forkle: Tell me what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done.

Dex: I kissed Sophie. 

Sophie: That was embarrassing?

Dex*blushing*: Yeah.

Sophie: I am offended. Anyway, Mr. Forkle, your turn.

Mr. Forkle: Truth.

Sophie: Tell us three secrets no one else knows about you.

Mr. Forkle*gulp*: I secretly watch Power Ponies... And vlog it... and I secretly like Miss Foster the best.

Sophie: That was the best Truth or dare ever.

Dex: Only because you got blackmail and proof you are the best.

Sophie: Exactly.

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