Be nice

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Lots of characters have a reason to be mad, sad, or frustrated. Here are some characters who have the right to be angry. 

Sophie Foster: She figured out that she was not human, had to drug her human family, chose to have their memories erased, lived with Edaline and Grady, had her adoption canceled, all her drama about being "the oblivious one", her crazy 5 abilities, sessions with Lady Cadence, Councillor Bronte, Lady Galvin, and all the times she missed school and is behind. She has been accused of killing Councillor Kenric, Prentice had to give up his life for her, Forkle died, Keefe's drama and let's not even mention all those times she almost died. Sophie has a lot of reasons to be worried. 

Keefe Sencen: He has a semi-abusive father who gives no love for him and forces him to do his best. He was the reason why Keefe started slacking off during school and ditching. His father expects too much of him. His mother is part of the Neverseen and he gets constant reminders of that. She has a "legacy" planned out for him which he doesn't even want-and forces her son into his role. He likes Sophie but is too scared to find out what she thinks to admit it. He has to deal with all of Sophie's friend groups who might like Sophie too. 

Biana Vacker: Biana has the Vacker's "legacy" outcome on her shoulders. People around her would spread rumors about her family, and she has to bear it. Her old best friend, Maruca, betrayed her and now, she doesn't have a "true" friend. Sophie is too close with Fitz and Keefe. Linh and Marella train together. Biana is alone.

Fitz Vacker: Fitz has a brother who joined the other side. His brother is responsible for murdering and kidnapping. Fitz also has a lot of drama and rumors following him around at school. His family's "legacy" described by Alvar has shadowed the entire Vacker family.

Linh Song: Linh has been ridiculed her entire life because of the fact that she is a twin. She was soon exiled after causing one too many floods. Her brother chose to squat with her in Exilium's small tents. She also has her abilities barely under control before she met Sophie. 

Tam Song: Tam had a rough childhood because he is a twin. He chose to be banished with his twin sister, Linh. Together, they met Sophie who brought them into a dangerous life. Tam has also been recruited to the Neverseen and his power changed him. 

Marella Redek: Marella is a pyrokinetic, which is a banned ability. She has to train hard or she might be under constant watch from the council. Her mother had an accident off a balcony. Marella was hoping to be an Empath to help her mother. 

Stina Heks: Stina is not a main member of Sophie's group and is kind of left out. 

 Dex Dizznee: He has to face the scorn of his parents being a bad match. He also has the extra pressure of his younger siblings being triplets. He always has to stay behind on Sophie's adventures to work on the gadgets. 

Wylie Endal: Wylie had his father exiled at a young age. His mother died in a light-leaping accident a while later. He was adopted by Sophie's telepathy mentor, Tiergan. 

Forkle: Mr. Forkle had a twin brother who died in Lumenaria. He also has the responsibility of taking care of the Moonlark. 

All of these characters have a reason to be mean to one another. Yes, I am defending them all. Thank you for reading and please, no hate.

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