Sum KOTLC jokes

110 15 29

These are not mine.

Joke 1:

Keefe: Are we really going to keep that thing? *points to Tam* An angsty teen with issues with his family?!

Sophie: Well we kept you didn't we?

Joke 2:

How Jolie Really Died

Brant: I can either bake these cookies for ten minutes at 400 degrees or for one minute at 4000 degrees.

Jolie: That's not how it-



Joke 3:

Keefe: Y'know, I don't really like your last name.

Sophie: What?

Keefe: In fact, I think you should change it.

Sophie: Change it to what?

Keefe: Sencen. *walks away*

Sophie: ... Wait, did you just propose to me?! GET BACK HERE!

Joke 4:​​​​​​​

Fitz: You're not human, but an elf. Your telepathic powers come from a rare ability that only some elves have. You're gonna have to leave your family and everything you know up to this pint in your life so you can come with me to a world where elves live called the Lost Cities.

Sophie: *Ignores Fitz*

Fitz: You're an elf.

Sophie: *pulls out one earbud* I'm sorry, what?

Joke 5:​​​​​​​

Sophie: I thought elves were a mtyh

Fitz: Well then you've been mythstaken

Joke 6:​​​​​​​

Keefe: Sophie Foster??? Nah what a nerd what a- [trips] [hundreds of thousands of photos of Sophie fall out of his jacket] w-what! These aren't mine! I'm just [gathering them up while frantically sweating] listen, just listen I [thousands of pictures of Sophie scatter across the floor] Dang it I'm just holding onto these for a friend, just LISTEN!

Joke 7:

Literally Every KOTLC Book:

Sophie: I'm off to do something dangerous DON'T FOLLOW ME

Sophie's Freinds: C'mon don't be that way of course we are going to follow you

Sophie: Ugh whatever just be safe

everyone gets hurt*

Sophie: And you all wonder why I don't sleep at night

Joke 8:

Linh: I'm too tough to cry

Tam: Just this morning you were crying about snakes.

Linh: *choking back tears* THEY DON'T HAVE ANY ARMS

Joke 9:

If Sophie had went star bottling with Keefe instead of Dex (in book 1)

Sophie: Look at all the stars, they're beautiful.

Keefe: You know what else is beautiful...

Sophie: *blushes* what?

Keefe: Me

Stina's Birthday Party

Keefe: *leaves*

Stina: *follows him outside* Keefe! Where are you going!?!

Keefe: Sorry. I thought this was a girls only party. *gestures to Tam*

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