who is dat blonde lady writing about me?

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Unlocked Spoilers:

Keefe ran a hand through his hair, the edges sticking up in spikes. He had stolen a blue leaping crystal from his dad and was currently deciding where to go. 

"Somewhere not too far and not too conspicuous," he said. He twirled the crystal pendant on his finger casting rainbow light dancing around the room. His tired ice blue eyes scanned the little facets on the crystal, ready to choose one at random. But he could end up in the Himilayas for all he knew.

"Whatever," he said, as she spun the crystal, aiming the light at a random facet.

He stepped into the shimmering blue light. A cozy business room appeared. A small throw chair was nestled in the corner of the small office. A thick shaggy carpet was all on the floor, muffling the sounds of his footsteps. A bright screen took up the entire desk shoved to the right.

A blonde lady sat at the desk, typing furiously into the computer. Her painted fingers danced across the keyboard, tiny little words filled the screen.

"Yo, what's this?" a young man said. "Why are you writing about me?"

The blonde-haired boy peeked over the shoulder of the woman and read the tiny words scrolling through the screen.

"Hey, lady! What's this?" the man said again, pointing to the screen.

Keefe tapped the woman's shoulders, startling her wor—

"What is it?" Shannon said, a sharp jab at her shoulders breaking her work ethic.

"Why're you writing about a boy named Keefe. I'm Keefe," the boy said. Shannon peered closer at the young man. He had ice blue eyes and a carefree smile, that was tensing up by the minute. Shaggy blonde hair stuck up in random directions but making him look that much better.

"Oh—OH!" Shannon dimmed the screen on her computer and gaped at Keefe.

"Yeah, ok," Keefe said, holding up a pendant—a leaping crystal?—and disappeared. Shannon stared at where the boy just was. She returned to writing, thinking about what just happened. It fueled the creative energy in her and she stayed awake writing until eleven at night.

Keefe disappeared from the woman's room, appearing in a beautiful metropolis.

Yeah, this was just something I came up with.

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