Biana did that

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*Sophie corners Biana*

Sophie: Bianaaaaaa...

Biana: Yes? *gulp*

Sophie: What did you do?

Biana: What do you mean?

Sophie: Why isn't Fitz talking to anyone?

Biana: *straightens up* Oh. Okay. That one. I talked to him.

Sophie: *raises eyebrows* What did you say?

Biana: Um, how he has anger issues...

Sophie: How did you tell him?

Biana: I, um, sorta yelled at him.

Sophie: Really?

Biana: Um, yeah

Sophie: What did you say exactly?

Biana: I said: Fitz!!! You got some problems!!! You have got anger issues and that is why no one likes you. You were always so obsessed with Alvar!!! Well, guess what?


You think you have got something right about him!

Well, guess what he doesn't have anything anymore!!

Cause you KILLED HIM!!!

He is our brother and THIS is how you repay him!!???!!!!


Biana: Yeah.

Sophie: That explains a lot...

Sorry Fitz lovers!!!

I would like Fitz if he got over his anger issues. 

And maybe even ship Fitzphie...


SoKeefe 4 LIFE!!!

Anyway, thanks for reaadddiiiiiiiinnnggggg!!!!

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