Overturned, your honor

Start from the beginning

Lauren swallowed and licked her lips, watching the furrow of Camila's brow as she stared down at the wound, trying to see through Lauren's shirt to where the injury lay.

Lauren's hand had continued it's path up Camila's arm and now cupped her neck, her thumb brushing over Camila's pulse point softly.

"And so you decided to come here?" Camila said, dragging her eyes back up to Lauren's. She nodded, her head tilting down slightly, their noses brushing softly.

"Where else would I go?"

Camila had stopped breathing the second she felt Lauren's breath on her lips. She moved her hand down to rest on Lauren's hip before she accidentally grasped at her injury.

Her eyes had just slipped shut when there was a knock at her door.

Camila felt the frustration in the sigh that Lauren let out.

She stepped back and took a shaky breath before answering the door.

"Rosa, what can I do for you?" Camila said, forcing a bright smile onto her face.

"Wanted to see if you could go over some case files with me, just needed some fresh eyes on this case. Jake's going crazy over it."

Camila glanced back over her shoulder and bit her lip.

"I can't tonight, but if I'm free tomorrow we can?" Camila suggested with an apologetic smile. Rosa nodded and said her goodbyes before heading into her apartment. Camila closed the door and leaned against it.

"Didn't know Diaz lived across from you." Lauren said, appearing in front of her.

"You... should go see your family." Camila breathed out. Lauren stepped closer with a smirk.

"Gonna do something you shouldn't Camz?" Lauren asked innocently. Camila rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Something I'd rather not do drunk again." Camila replied sweetly.

That threw Lauren off her game, making her lips part and her eyes drift down to Camila's lips.

"Right... so, um, I'll be going then. So you can sober up. For the next time we meet." Lauren rambled as Camila opened the door.

She grabbed onto Lauren's wrist and pressed a slow kiss to her cheek.

"See you Jauregui."

Lauren stared dumbly at the now closed door for longer than she cared to admit before heading for the elevator.


When Lauren dialed Normani's number and asked for a ride, she'd almost been deafened by the squealing on the other side of the phone.

Lauren was bundled into the SUV about twenty minutes later, her two best friends too busy being excited to notice just where they'd picked her up from.

"Holy shit why didn't you tell us you were getting out early?" Dinah yelled, punching Lauren in the arm as Normani pulled away from the curb.

"Ow! Because it had to be done quietly. Not that it mattered in the end since Eilish jumped to conclusions and stabbed me anyway." Lauren huffed.

"Woah, stabbed? Is that why we lost contact for a month and a half?" Normani screeched. Lauren winced before nodding.

"Eilish cut me off from the outside world, grabbed my phone and then put me in medical for a while." Lauren grumbled.

"You want your apartment or the family one?"

"Mine please Mani. I'll go see my family tomorrow. I just wanna sleep in my own bed right now." Lauren sighed, leaning her head back against the headrest.

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