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||  Rorisang's Pov ||

It was past midnight and I was still awake. It wasn't the first time as I had  many nights overthinking issues that had long passed but this time it wasn't that. I wasn't thinking anything about my dreadful past or whatever else usually kept me awake but rather I was thinking about Tumi or rather Itumeleng as she had requested me to call her. I didn't really know her that much nor did she but something about her was really keeping me interested.

My phone vibrated and I opened it to see a message from a WhatsApp group I was probably added in. Most of my contacts were there so I didn't really mind being in the group. The chats had already exceeded 100 messages and me being the lazy person I was, I hit up Rick to ask him what it was all about.

House warming, ko plekke ya Mahlatsi

I grinned at his message as I hadn't been partying in a very long time. We usually made a lot of money from these parties and now that my boys were finally up for another one despite the failed last one, I was more than happy to organize with them. The best way for anyone to hear about these parties was through social media and so I started designing a digital poster. I was a great right brained person who knew all the perks of designing.

"Done and dusted," I said, on a phone call with Rick. I had spent round about three hours creating and re-creating suitable posters and after some time I finally made my decision.
"I have to warn you about something though," Rick said, immediately making me concerned, "Nobuhle has been seeing someone new and her being the person she is, she'll probably come with him"
I chuckled, not believing how he literally thought I would be phased by that.
"I guess we're both on the same page," I responded.
"O ra byang?"
"I mean we both moved on," I said and just as expected, he laughed and I joined him, knowing exactly what his thoughts were.

"Mara joh mo Ke serious," I said in between the laughter.
"Serious? Joh weitsi eng ka Lerato?"
"Ah o ra byang joh? Kanti ne Ke sa jole le Nobuhle?"
"Yeah you were dating her mara le Wena you know how that ended"
"But that doesn't mean anything joh. All I'm saying is I have a new interest"
"So she's coming?"
He chuckled once more and after we finalised our next meeting to discuss the party, we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I felt a bit stupid as I had already told Rick he should be expecting her and yet I haven't even asked her. I just hoped she wouldn't think it was too much as we had recently only started talking. After spending a couple more minutes scrolling through Facebook, seeing the many reactions the poster was already starting to get, I drank some sleeping pills and dozed off a couple of minutes later.

* * *

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