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|| Itumeleng's Pov ||


"Itumeleng!" I felt someone tapping my shoulder "Itu wake up we need to go. Itu! Itumele-"

"Mmm" I groaned turning my head to the other side. My head had this huge headache and my stomach felt extremely cold from the long hours of sleeping on the floor.

I knew where I was, knew what I had gotten myself into but there just wasn't much I remembered. All I remembered was getting here, dancing and drinking a couple of drinks someone offered and then niks.

Nothing at all.
"Chomi please" Lerato still continues tapping "I can't be cleaning up at this time!"

"What time is it?" I mutter as I slowly sit up. The pounding of my head got even worse and I felt like just dropping myself to where I was before.

"Like 6 I think" she says and I groan even more. When last have I woken up at fucken 6am?

"Chomi let's go tu. My head is killing me" Lerato keeps begging and as I sit up I understand exactly what she's talking about.

Swazi's house was a mess. An actual literal mess. Bottles were everywhere, random panties laying and hanging in places, people's snores and the smell - fuck it was bad.

"Do you have the car keys?" she asks as soon as I'm up and I quickly nod, remembering where I had put them.

Swazi's bag, swazi's bag, swazi's bag I kept on whispering to myself as I searched frantically for it. Every single thing was out of place and I didn't know how i'd find the stupid bag.

"Lerato help me bathong" I say to my friend whose just standing looking lost.

"I don't know where you put them though"

"Swazi's bag. Look for Swazi's bag" I said having a mini freak out session inside. I knew how the bag looked like and the fact that I had put those stupid keys in the bag but where the fuck is it? Why am I so damn careless?
"Chomi I think Tshepo just arrived" I hear Lerato whisper and I almost scream.

There's a few seconds of the both us staring at each other not knowing what to do but the minute we heard that door creak open I ran towards the nearest bedroom and made sure I pulled her with me.

Please let us not clean.
Please let us not clean.
I don't wanna do this.
Please let us go home.

"Hello?" He shouts out "Swazi are you awake bruh? I heard your footsteps"

"He's gonna find us" Lerato whispers making my head pound even more. I've never been so against doing something in my life as much I am now and I felt like crying. Literally.

"Ayo just come down" He shouts out again and just as I'm about to give up and walk down the stairs to the cleaning I promised I would do I spot something - an open window.

"Chomi" I mini scream at Lerato who was a step closer to walking out of the room we were hiding in. "Bona, there's a window" I say pointing towards the window.

We both rush towards it with excitement, eager to end our misery but as we look down the window completely forgetting that this was a 3 story house and we were like on the highest level, we change our minds immediately.

"Ugh" I say, extremely disappointed. I don't know what I was thinking yesterday putting myself up for this shit but it's whatever.

I guess we're gonna have to do it.

* * *

Really short chapter, I know but I can assure you that the next will be a bit longer and juicy so yeah lol.

Thanks for reading.

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