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|| Itumeleng's Pov ||

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do this. I wasn't sure I would survive. This kind of life is the only life I've known and having that taken away from me and having to start everything from scratch was just one of the hardest thing I've ever had to do. "Are you done nana" my mom asks me walking into my room. She looked stressed and heavily tired like she usually did ever since my dad got caught red handed and I felt nothing but guilt at this moment.

What if I was the one that caused all of this? What if my partying and drinking lead my dad to cheat cause somehow that was his way of hurting? That was his way of taking out his frustrations because I honestly refuse to believe any other reason. I've always known my parents to be two happily married people and I refuse, even after everything, to question their love for each other.

I grew up in a home filled with love. I had a beautiful childhood and not once had I thought  my parents didn't love each other. I learnt love from them and I am who I am today because of them. "Almost ma" I responded to my mom, forcing a little smile out. I knew the last thing she wanted was for me to leave but I acknowledged that nothing was really in her hands right now.

"I promise to call you," she said holding my shoulders "if not everyday then every week okay?"
I nodded feeling the tears on the verge of coming out and just as I was about to say something she pulled me in a full on hug. This was not the type of heartache people get when they break up with their  girlfriend or boyfriend, this right here was a piece of me getting ripped away. I've always and I mean ALWAYS been a mama's girl and now that I had to leave her it was just too much pain.

"I'll miss you" I said after she releases me. Usually I'd wipe my eyes while crying but right now I didn't care. I will cry every bit of tear in me. "I'll miss you too" she said fake smiling.
We looked at each for a couple of seconds us our minds were comprehending what was about to happen until my dad walked in.

"Can I speak to the both of you please" he said and my mom and I looked at each other questionably and took a seat on my bed. "Look I want the both of you to know that I love you dearly. Right now it might not seem like it or it probably hasn't ever seemed like it but please believe me when I say I do. Itu I know I've hurt your mom and I'm also aware of the resentment you have towards me, which I deserve, but please understand that your mom and I haven't had the easiest marriage. I know it is no excuse and doesn't make the fact that I cheated right but we've both realized what is good for us and you at the same time and that is why everything is happening the way it is happening. Didi I know I haven't been the best husband and I've put you through a lot of pain which I am deeply sorry for but I do want you to know that this is none of your fault. You are an amazing human being which deserves so much more than I could ever offer and I'd be very happy to see you move on with someone whose better than me. I've never regretted meeting you and I've definitely never regretted being your high school sweetheart and later on university one too but as I've just explained to Itu that somethings just aren't meant to be. I love the both of you wholeheartedly and I hope you someday find it in your heart to forgive me"

There was silence that came after. Not one that was awkward but one that sort of calmed you down. Made you feel better. I might have been angry with my father but I definitely did not hate him. I don't think I ever could. Maybe it was his fault, maybe it was mine I didn't know. What really mattered right now is that there was peace. Not the kind that would heal you immediately and make you forgive and forget about everything but one that gave you hope that everything would be okay.

"Thanks pa" I said getting up. I knew Romeo would be arriving in a few minutes and I didn't want to make him wait for too long. "I'll miss the both of you" I said and with that I left the room. My happy place. My home. It would be no more.

* * *

Shortest Chapter I know. It's the last day of the year so I'm really busy right now lmao. Thank you to all of you reading my book and supporting me. The next chapters will not only be Itumeleng's Point Of  View (POV) but also the many characters you are about to meet. I'm hoping to write 2000+ words in the next chapters so stay tuned guysss💕

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