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                                           | | Itumeleng's Pov | |

Mamelodi wasn't that bad after all. I mean it definitely wasn't my "to be" place but I think I might have exaggerated a little when I first imagined the place. There were a few double story houses here and there and not everyone lived in tiny shacks the size of a kitchen. It was almost like a mixture - of poverty and average life. "Wanna stop by Mams Mall?" Patrick, our family driver, asked. "Yeah sure, " I answered, just realizing how hungry I actually was.

"Is there some kind of huge special?" I asked, noticing how packed the parking entrance was. There were taxis in every corner - hooting, taxi drivers shouting to each other through the windows and an endless amount of people selling, running mini salons and buying by the side of the road. Quite hectic if you ask me.

"This is the first entrance, always been this busy, " he answered as I continued looking outside. Malls around my area could get busy but not this much and the entrances to the parking were never this busy. "Can we go to the second entrance maybe?" I asked, already feeling like we were going to get robbed or maybe even ganged up on by all these ratchet taxi drivers. 

"We're almost in, " he said, doing no help in calming my nerves down. People seemed so careless, walking on and off the road as they pleased. Yes, there was some sort of traffic but that doesn't possibly mean mistakes couldn't possibly happen. "I think this is the part I officially hate about this place, " I said more to myself than to Patrick.

I didn't understand why my parents had to take me to some faraway place that definitely didn't suit me than rather just simply getting me an apartment. That would've been so much better.
"You'll get used to things, " Patrick said, finally driving into the parking which also, to add to my stressors, was packed.

"I'm just gonna drop you off then find a place to park, you'll call me after getting everything you want" he said, handing me some notes. "I have my own money, " I said, thinking that was the most obvious thing anyone knew about me.
"Yeah, that's for you to buy some food for me. Anything at all is fine"
"Okay, cool, " I said, grabbing the money and heading out.

The wind slammed against my face as soon as I got out and I was grateful I hadn't worn the dress I had initially planned on wearing. "Here I go, " I said to myself as I walked into the mall. I had no idea where I'd be going or what food I'd buy but I figured I would eventually leave the Mall with something.

After a couple of minutes of walking in and out of malls, trying to figure out what Patrick and I both wanted right now, I decided that McDonalds would be the best option right now. I knew it wasn't in the mall since I had seen it in the neighboring parking lot and just hoped Patrick would forgive me for wasting such precious time and petrol. There was nothing I wanted as much as McDonalds right now.

"Why didn't you buy anything?'' Patrick asked, as soon as I got in the car. "We need to go to the second entrance. There's McDonalds" I asked, waiting for his rant but he, instead, reversed the car and drove out of the first entrance.

The second entrance and parking were not as packed as the first and here I felt some sort of relief. "Drive through?" Patrick asked and I nodded. I was never in no mood for walking.
After getting our food Patrick parked the car under some shade and I got out, deciding I never some fresh air. I hadn't touched my burger yet and was just sitting on the closed boot of the car, eating on my fries.

"Heading to the bathroom, don't lose these keys, " Patrick said handing me the eyes. I simply just nodded and watched him leave. The wind wasn't blowing as harsh as it was a couple of minutes ago and although I knew I probably had thousands of missed calls from most people who knew I was leaving, I didn't wanna check them. I was enjoying my time simply just sitting and eating and I didn't want anything to ruin that.

"Fuck You!" the voice, followed by the loud slam of a car door, startled me. I looked behind me and saw the girl storming off. She looked round about my height and had the most gorgeous dress hugging her body.
"Nobuhle êma, " the guy was running after her. He looked slightly shorter than my boyfriend and had this dark I definitely adored. I was the dark skin lover type of girl.
"Wait for what Rorisang?" She shouted, "for you to tell more lies?"
"I was gonna tell you okay, fela I -"
"You what?"
"I didn't want us to break up like this. I wanted us to talk, to -"
"Hold the fuck up. This was planned. You wanted to break up with me?"
"Nobuhle just listen"
"No. I won't listen. I am sick and tired okay? Not only of you but of every single person who was always on my ass about how disloyal you are and now bona. They were all right. All of them Rorisang!"
"Don't 'Nobuhle' me Rorisang. This is the one thing you have no excuse for and it ends just there. You no longer have a reason to contact me"

                                                    * * *

New character introduced! Check the cast chapter or section to see how she looks like. Just wanted to thank everyone reading my story, I greatly appreciate it❤
Promise I'll be updating more now lmao.

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