67. Close To You

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The soft click of a door makes my eyes instantly snap open. Things come into focus rather quickly as I take in the unfamiliar settings.

The thick grey curtains shield the daylight from seeping through, fortunately. My head uncomfortably lays on its side as I face the closed window, hearing the loud, annoying sounds of birds chirping outside.

The day was finally here. My mom's wedding. The day is supposed to be filled with happiness and excitement. Love crisp in the warm summer air of Spain. A day my family has been waiting for so long. A time where I thought I'd been over the moon for so many good reasons.

But it was only morning and I was already fucking miserable.

I turn in my sheets, moving onto my back. I notice the cold, lonely spot beside me.

Gee, can't say I'm surprised.

My stomach instantaneously churns into crumbles of nerves when I spot something on the pillow.

Slowly lifting myself on my elbow, I reach out and grab the small piece of paper with black scribbled writing left on a pillow that still has the fresh imprint of a head.

Didn't want to wake you. I'll see you at the wedding. - H

I have to re-read the note at least ten times before I can fully absorb it.

My head quickly grows lightheaded. My tongue lays thick as my throat tightens. My heart begins to race so fast, it actually makes me worried.

I sit up, moving the blankets on me to the side. They suddenly made me feel too hot. I stare at the note once more.

Didn't want to wake you. I'll see you at the wedding. - H

I finally blink when I see a drop seep into the thin paper, not even realizing it was my own tear until I tilt my head back up and sniffle. Looking blankly across the room, visions of last night sweep through my brain.

I accidentally told Harry I love him.

And he said nothing.

He let me worry and anxiously bathe in my thoughts, waiting for him to do or say anything while contemplating if I should do or say anything before ultimately falling asleep without another word from either of us.

Then he left a short note before sneaking out.

I don't think twice before crumbling the note with my hands and throw it to the side. I get up, not wanting to be on the bed any longer considering what had happened only a couple of hours ago. I fling my legs over the bed, only now realizing that I was still naked after feeling a breeze up my body.

I sigh, rolling my eyes before walking over to my suitcase and fumble with my shit. I need to take a shower and refresh myself before anything. I need to wash off last night and scrub away any reminders of it.

It was my mother's fucking wedding for God's sake. I can't be angry. I can't be sad and mope around today out of all days. Even though that's all I wanted to do.

I thought about the damn note the whole time hot water hit my skin. I analyzed the hell out of it. After I turned the water off 15 minutes later, I concluded that Harry definitely heard me and I didn't imagining him moving behind me right before I fell asleep.

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now