33. She

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When Lacey's eyes met mine, every negative feeling instilled within me evaporated into thin air. I know it would only be temporary but I enjoyed every second of it before my brain turned on that switch powered by the promise I made to Gigi.

"Harry!" She exclaims when she sees I'm back, her voice filled with pure enthusiasm and warmth. "Where'd you go?"

I break my eyes away after admiring her for a little too long. She still had whipped cream that was quickly drying all over her mouth and cheek with her hand covering her cut. She managed to look beautiful, no matter what.

"To get this," I simply say, motioning to the first-aid kit in my hands before I hesitatingly walk closer to her and set it on the counter beside her thighs.

I refrain from looking at her as I open up the kit, telling myself I would only help her with the band-aid and then get her to the living room and make sure everyone else is fine before I go up and try to sleep. I knew it would do me no good if I don't try to leave her side as soon as possible.

"Why am I here?"

I hold back a laugh as I look up at her confused face, unsure whether she means why she's currently sitting on the counter in the kitchen or why she's here on earth in general.

I carefully grab her wrist so I can see if her cut has stopped bleeding. Touching her, no matter where or for how long, will always have the same effect on me, driving me crazy and leaving me to wonder how the hell another human had the capability to do that.

"Why are you here?" She asks, tilting her head up at me in a curious manner.

I break out into a real smile, throwing the napkin away and wetting a hand towel before I get back to her. "I need you to sit still for me while I clean you, alright?"

"Sure thing." She nods once before I reach my arm out, still keeping somewhat of a distance between us. I look at her confused when she leans back and moves her head away from my arm, not letting me touch her.


She starts giggling at me, thinking her joke is the funniest thing on earth. I chuckle and shake my head at her, holding back a goofy grin.

Fuck, this was going to be harder than I thought...

"Sorry, couldn't resist."

I watch her let out a few softer laughs before she regains composure, darting her tongue out to lick her lips and bite back a smile. I let out a breath through my nostrils, briefly closing my eyes before looking at her. When I see she's already looking back at me with a careful and thoughtful gaze, I hold back, wanting to go up to her and just hold her and kiss her, but repeating to myself that I couldn't.

I clear my throat, breaking eye contact as I look back down at the damp towel in my hand. "Ready?"

She nods, sending me a smile that's enough to get my heart beating in an irregular pattern.

"Is this okay?" I ask as I move the towel carefully over her forehead, hoping that I'm not hurting her.


I nod, paying close attention to the area where her cut is. I have to step closer to get a good look. The blood on the line has dried up now. It's not that long in size or too deep. Just a scratch. I still wondered how she got hurt and if she would even remember by the time she sobered up.

I take the corner of the towel to clean the stickiness from her forehead and make my way down to her cheeks, ignoring the burning gaze she had on me. Her soft and supple skin was once again present when I wiped away the whipped cream. I had the hardest time working around her lips, not thinking it would be this hard staring and touching something I find myself thinking about almost all the time, ever since our first kiss.

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now