34. Motion

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The past four days have been filled with lazy afternoons at the beach lasting until a blood orange sunset clouds the sky and our skin feels hot from being out in the sun all day. My friends and I run around and lay on the soft sand and emerge ourselves in the refreshing, salty waves. I don't think I've ever been so content before.

I woke up at 5 pm the day after our fancy dinner. I still can't believe I ate two whole laced brownies without knowing and somehow didn't die. I remember feeling like I slept for a whole week when I woke up in my own bed the day after. My hair was damp and smelled like chlorine. I was wearing the pyjamas that I don't remember charging into. I had felt so lost and confused for the first 10 minutes of waking up. It felt similar to when you wake up from a long nap you didn't mean to take. I also woke up with a weird, painful stomachache that didn't leave until I hovered my mouth over a toilet and let it all out.

I don't exactly remember everything when I was high. It feels like a soft blur. I know the edible hit me when we were all sitting at dinner in the middle of eating. I can't recall what happened between that moment and how I ended up in the living room watching a cartoon. I remember feeling giddy and happy when I laughed. I felt like all my senses were heightened but also toned down since my body was so relaxed and my thoughts and worries weren't hovering over me. I also remember feeling like I was floating.

I remember Harry. A lot of him. How he was somehow always next to me and how bright and beautiful his eyes looked when they looked at me. I somewhat remember that at one point I ended up in the kitchen with him. My brain sobered up in a weird way when he called me beautiful. He said so many lovely things to me and I know I was crying but I don't know how long for. I also remember jumping in the pool and it felt so good. I can also never forget how Harry kissed me. The fact that I was high might have added a bit but I've never been kissed like that before. I couldn't even remember my own name after it happened.

I must have been so weird and embarrassing throughout the night. I've literally never taken an edible so I have no idea how I acted or most of what I said. The day after the dinner, I had a conversation with my friends and asked what exactly happened. Turns out some of them ate the brownies and experienced a lot of shit with me, which made me feel less lonely in this funny ordeal. We spent hours going over the night in our point of view, laughing at a lot at it.

Adam also confessed to me right away that it was his doing of me eating the wrong brownies. At first, I was mad. I was drugged without my permission and I could have easily tripped out very badly. I've heard some of the horror stories of a bad trip caused by eating too many edibles, which is the reason why I've never felt compelled to try one. But I know it was an accident.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been since Liam and Niall said that they didn't put a lot of weed in the brownies just to be safe. No one got hurt, anyway. Well, apart from the small cut on my forehead and bruise on my nose. Both went away after two days. Bella, Niall, and Sierra also woke up with unexplained bruises.

Even if things were relaxed and happy around the house these past few days, there was something different with Harry. I've barely been able to talk with him since. The only times I was able to, I just asked him what happened that night from his own view. He didn't say much. Just that it was funny and entertaining to watch me and everyone else.

It was a weird, quiet calm between us that grew louder as the days went by. It might have something to do with the fact that we've been rarely hanging out in general. While I was out tanning on the sand, he'd been in the ocean surfing. When I'm in the kitchen making food, he's in the living room watching TV. When it comes to sitting down all together to eat, he'd sit far away. Or when we're all hanging out in a room, he'd stay up in his, never coming down to join us.

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