44. Watermelon Sugar 2.0

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It was the hottest day of the summer yet. I woke up tangled up in my sheets sweating in the stuffy air. It didn't take me and the rest of the house long until we threw on our swimwear and got out to the beach.

I was laying on a towel, soaking up the glaring sun while I dry myself after dipping my entire body into the ocean. Liam had his playlist playing in the background through his speakers.

The air smelled salty and like sunscreen. It looked like there were tiny diamonds sparkling over the waves and dancing under the sun rays. It was a cloudless light blue sky reflecting over the clear sea stretched over the horizon. It's a beautiful day but it was just really fucking hot.

"It's fucking hot!" Beau jumps up and stretches out his body on his towel.

See? It's fucking hot.

"I'm absolutely boiling," Louis murmurs while he rubs sunscreen over his shoulders.

"I'm getting into the water again," Niall says before he pats the sand off his shorts and walks towards the ocean.

"I brought fruit!" Gigi walks over to us and places a large plate in the middle of the circle of towels we created.

It was filled with vividly bright and juicy-looking strawberries, kiwi, mango, cherries, and watermelon.

I sit up and look over at the selection before picking out a strawberry. I eat the sweet berry as I watch the scene before me. I can spot my friends jumping in the water; Gigi running towards them and joining shortly. Louis and Beau have a conversation with each other that I partake in every once in a while.

I feel a gentle breeze through my damp hair when I tilt my neck back as lean my weight on my elbows. I let my eyes close and feel the warmth of the sun on my exposed neck and chest. I take a deep breath, enjoying the sunshine and the taste of strawberry on my tongue.

When I look back up, I catch a pair of electrifying green eyes climbing over my body as they approach our spot on the sand.

Through blue-tinted shades, I let my eyes fall down to his wet white shorts clinging to his thighs. Several water droplets trail down his chest and arms, covering his skin like morning dew on the grass.

I watch Harry's lips hide back a grin when he comes over and sets his body down on his towel beside the plate of fruit across from me. I sneak glances at him as he pushes his wet curls back from his slightly burnt forehead.

"How was the water, Harry?" Louis asks.

"Perfect." Harry grabs a kiwi slice from the plate and throws it over his tongue before chewing on it.

"I still don't understand why you refuse to get in," Beau tells Louis with a shake of his head.

"I told you, mate, I saw a fucking shark!"

"I don't think—"

"I swear to fuck, Beau, I saw a fin."

"Maybe it was a dolphin," I say with a gentle grin.

"Or seaweed." Beau snorts.

"I know a shark when I see one!" Louis retorts, sitting up straight with a serious look on his face. "This is how Jaws started, innit?"

I listen to Louis spit out random facts about sharks while I sit up and look at the plate of fruit, pursing my lips as I decide which one I want to eat.

I reach out to grab a slice of fresh watermelon. The red-pink surface glistening in the sun when I pick it up from the green peel. I sink my teeth into the soft yet crunchy fruit, immediately feeling a splash of sweet juice enter my mouth.

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