21. Cayendo

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I have not wanted a movie to end as much as I do right now. It's not that I hated it, quite the opposite. I was just so anxious in my seat the entire time I was watching it because all I could focus on was my date with Harry happening soon. I would check the time on my phone every 5 minutes and be confused as to why it was moving so slow. But at last, the credits started to roll. We all take a quick stretch and bathroom break as Liam loads up the other movie.

"Wait, we have to watch the second movie," Bella says.

"I'm down!" Liam says.

Gigi immediately turns to look at them. "But-"

"I'm also down," Zayn says, interrupting her.

"I've never watched it before," Sierra says.


"It's so sick!" Zayn tells her.

The time is now 11:39. I needed to go now but I wanted to wait until the other movie is about to start.

"What do you say, G?" Liam asks her.

"Let's watch it," she says, which makes everyone cheer.

"I'm falling asleep over here," Maggie says then stands with sleepy eyes, "goodnight everyone."

Everyone tells her goodnight as she walks out of the room. This would be my perfect opportunity to leave too because at least now I wouldn't stand out amongst everyone.

"I'm gonna head off to bed too," I say, trying my best to look tired. "Night guys."

I hear them telling me goodnight as I walk across the room. I can't believe that this might actually work out fine.

"Oh, don't tell me you can't hang either!" Liam says.

"I'm just going to use the washroom!" Niall says. "Damn, Liam!"

"Okay, okay, my bad."

I practically run up the stairs after glancing at the front door. I lock the room once I'm in. My heart accelerates once I rush into the bathroom. I inhale deeply as I look into the mirror. I don't have a ton of time to put on a whole look so I have to keep it simple. I brush and fill in my brows with shaky hands. I take light coats of mascara on my eyelashes. I sweep a bit of tinted cream and concealer before deciding to stop now so I can change and then continue with whatever time I had left.

I don't know what shoes to wear. I wanted to stay simple and comfortable but I still wanted to look cute. I don't have many choices or much time to dwell on this. I slipped on the same shoes I wore for our first date just because I knew I would regret wearing heels this late at night. Also, how would I be able to stay quiet as I sneak out if I was wearing noisy shoes?

Sneaking out to go on a date sounds so teen-like. It made me feel giddy and fuzzy on the inside. Even though I just graduated college, I still felt so young. I mean, I definitely am but since high school, I felt like I grew up too soon. I didn't focus on anything but school and my family life. I didn't really have much friends, except for Liam and Gigi. Then came everyone else but I spent so much of my time perfecting my studies and making sure my mom was happy.

My parents got divorced when I was 11. It was a strange time for me because I was still growing and experiencing new things, physically and mentally. My mom was a mess after my dad left. She doesn't like to talk about it or about him but it really did a number on her. The environment in my home wasn't a good one for a child transitioning into a young adult. In a way, I think it made me have to grow up even faster than the other kids at school.

Closing the door of my room and walking down the hallway and stairs while remaining quiet wasn't an issue. However, going up to the front door and getting out of the house was. I can hear the music and dialogue of the movie playing as I slowly walk towards the front door. It was pretty loud so I didn't feel like I had to be super cautious with my footsteps.

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