20. Sky So Blue

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Waking up on a beach is not as glamorous as it sounds. The brightness of the early morning was annoyingly glaring directly on our faces. The seagulls were screeching in our ears every 10 seconds. It felt like there was sand crawling all over. Before I can process anything, I hear the sound of Louis' voice. He was trying to wake everyone up.

"To our beds, yeah?"

I start to move my body but I was restricted by a pair of arms wrapped loosely around my waist. My back was facing Harry so I could only feel him waking up rather than actually seeing it. He moves around a bit before he pulls his hands away. He yawns loudly then burps which makes me want to laugh but I am so tired and possibly still a bit high that I can't.

We all slowly get up and begin our walk back to the house. I don't know any other way of describing what I was feeling other than very zombie-like. I even look it too. We all did. We were all walking slowly, mumbling incoherent sentences amongst ourselves. We also don't look our best. Liam and I were helping each other out, leaning and walking next to each other, trying not to drag the other one down.

I look up and see Louis and Harry were walking a few feet ahead of me. Louis was leaning in, telling him something quietly. I see Harry shake his head at him. I am able to just barely hear his response.

"It's too bloody early for this."

When we finally reach the house, I take in the mess in the kitchen and living room, as well as see everyone who passed out here before going back to our rooms, in desperate need of more sleep. I enter the empty room and head straight to the bed. I let out a quiet sigh when the front of my body hits the mattress. No beach can compare to this. My face feels hot against the cool, soft pillow, making me realize I probably got sunburnt.

The bed shifts next to me. My eyes were closed at this point but I know Harry is here. I can feel him moving around, placing the blanket on both of us. I can barely react when he cuddles up to me, resting his head on the middle of my back, using me as a pillow. He wraps a hand on my waist and tangles his legs with mine, cuddling in closer to me. I feel like I can barely think straight to react to this.

Once he settles on a spot, my head turns to rest my cheek against the pillow. My arm subconsciously moves. It ends up moving behind me and looped around Harry's neck. He feels chilly, which makes me realize I'm still wearing his hoodie. I feel guilty about wearing it all night.

He shifts slightly and covers us with more of the blanket. My hand on his head ends up somehow being tangled into his hair, which emits a low groan from him. This position sort of hurts my arm but I don't care. My fingers use up the little energy they have to slowly massage his head. It doesn't take me long before I fall fast asleep.


The only reason I wake up in what feels like an hour later was because I felt hot. Like I was boiling on this bed. I lowly groan, barely able to open my eyes, needing to move the blanket away from me. I felt like I was suffocating in this hoodie. I focus on the ceiling above my head and my cheek resting on something that didn't feel like a pillow.

I struggle for a bit because I could barely get it through my head. But at last, I am feeling significantly cooler without the sweater and blanket on me. I can barely open my eyes any longer than a few seconds after turning back on my side.


I don't know how long it's been the next time I wake up. It feels like I slept through the day but at least I wasn't that tired anymore. I was only beginning to fully wake up when I feel another body move right next to me. I realize Harry and I got pretty cozy while we were asleep. I blush when I feel my legs in between his and my head on his shoulder. He seemed to be waking up as well. I look down and see his arms were around my waist. I don't know how to describe what I was feeling right now. It had my stomach jumbling up in ways I've never felt before.

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