63. VEGAS (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

All of us get out of the car. While Liam fills the car up, the rest of us enter the small shop nearby to buy snacks for the road.

"Hi." I hear Harry say beside me.

"Hi." I roll my lips into my mouth to prevent a goofy grin from coming out as I look at him.

"Crisps for breakfast?" He glances down at the big bag of chips and cookies in my hand. "And chocolates?"

"Couldn't settle on sweet or salty." I shrug. "So I got both."

"Oh, I'm definitely in the mood for something sweet," he says as he comes closer to me.

"Are you?" I follow his eyes with mine as he leans closer and glances down at my lips.


Neither of us makes the effort right away to close the gap. We just stay smiling at each other, inches away from something both of us clearly wanted but weren't sure if we should make the move.

His hand softly grazes my right cheek as a flash of concern passes through his eyes and his smile drops a little.

"I'm okay," I tell him before he can ask.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Louis whistles and calls us from in front of the register. "Let's get a move on. Vegas waits for no one!"

"So it's just gonna be us?" I ask after we pull away from the gas station and continue on the road.

"Don't sound too excited, Lacey." Harry chuckles.

"I am!" I chuckle and softly nudge his arm. "I'm very excited to be here with you guys."

"So here's the thing," Liam begins to explain, "Everyone and their mommas are big party poopers. It's like, just 'cause you go away for a whole month, it's 'crazy' to go on another trip almost 2 weeks later?"

"I reckon that is pretty crazy, Liam," Harry says as he chews on one of my cookies he stole as soon as I opened the package.

"Bella flew through last minute," Niall says, "she forgot she had a workshop this weekend."

"Oh, that's right," I say, momentarily stopping myself from trying to open my water bottle and remember that it was for a company she applied to a few months ago. "I hope it goes well."

"Adam was supposed to come support too," Liam adds, "he was so hyped but felt bad about leaving his family with everything going on and I just said, 'dude I get it but your fam comes first. There'll be other opportunities.' Also, we're gonna FaceTime him during the show. You're in charge of that, okay, Lace?"

"Okay." I nod and curse quietly when I continue to struggle with the stupid bottle cap that's apparently been glued on.

Harry notices this and laughs before taking the bottle from me and cracking it open with barely any effort. A wide smirk appears on his lips.

"I loosen it," I mumble as I take it from it.

"At least we're all here now and getting the fuck out of here," Louis says, glancing at the backseat, "no offense, Lace, but your town kinda sucks."

"It does." I laugh. "Why do you think I'm with you guys right now? Well, that and my mom only let me come because there was a cheaper flight going to Europe from there."

"Oh, shit. The wedding's this weekend, huh?" Liam asks.


"That's fucking insane. I can't believe I'm going to miss it. Fuck my new job, bro."

"Liam, aren't you going to New York for a gig? That's really cool."

"Yeah, but I'd much rather be in fucking Spain. Who else is going to that wedding? You, Harry?"

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