Love is a but a battlefield

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A coldness of the early hours of morning filled Y/N's room, her exposed arms felt the chill hit her as she rolled over in the bed.
I swear if it's stupid o'clock I'm going back to sleep, the huntress thought to herself as she cracked her eye open slightly to glance at the clock on the bedside table across from her.


"Oh for goodness sake." She hazily huffed, as she suddenly froze in the bed her eyes shot open as she remembered the kiss she shared with the famed hunter Vanguard a few hours ago.
She'd never let anyone get that close to her, the moment she vanished from the vanguard she vowed to be alone, not trusting anyone from that moment onwards, but Cayde? He was different.

She clenched her hand slightly out of worry, she was nervous and scared, how was this going to end? Would she loose him too the same way she lost Shaxx, there was so much fear consuming her at once that all she wanted to do was run away again, she felt the deep agonizing ache set in from her old battle injuries.

These emotions, these feelings she was confronted with when being around Cayde was something entirely different and new.

I don't want to hurt you Cayde, I don't want my past to hurt you.

The huntess huddled herself up under the weight of her bedsheets, closing her eyes shut once again as she felt the warmth of the bed carry her away into a deep sleep once more.

A few more hours pass by before she's awoken once more, her eyes flutter as her ears atune to the sound of pots clattering and the kettle boiling from the kitchen, a puzzled look crossed her face as she continued to listen to the racket of noise.

"Do you think she'll like this?" The metallic voice of Cayde echoed off the walls, as she heard his footsteps coming towards her room.

The huntess quickly sat herself up in bed as she heard the door to her room open, her vision met by the hunter vanguard carrying to cups in his hand and Sundance floating beside him.

Cayde was so busy keeping an eye on not spilling coffee everywhre to realise Y/N sitting up in bed for a moment before lifting his head.
"Morning partn--." He was cut off for a mere second as his optics welcomed the vision Infront of him.
Y/N's long hair laced down her shoulders like a waterfall, her bright icy blue eyes met him with a comforting warmth.

I could get used to this view every day and it would still catch me off guard.

Y/N held a smile across her lips as she greeted him back, "good morning to you too." She laughed, also feeling the emptyness quickly leave her as soon as he entered the room, trying to hide the flustering warmth appearing on her cheeks as her eyes caught a glimpse of his optics starring right back at her, remembering the coldness of metal against her lips as she watched him approach her.

Cayde soon walked over to the bed and sat down, passing the cup of coffee over to the huntess,  "I thought you could do with this before the day starts." His eyes find their way at her face, her features so soft and elegant.

I can't believe you let me kiss you partner.
I feel like the luckiest man alive.

-Time Skip-

Both Y/N and Cayde had spent the rest of the day in the hangar, dealing with guardians returning from flashpoints when Y/N caught the sight of Sainr-14 Approaching, the huntess quickly finished up talking to a guardian who had handed in some information regarding an enemy sighting on IO, she cleared her throat as she felt the anxiety kick in, she knew what this convocation was going to be about before it had even started, darting a quick glance over at Cayde she noticed he was still busy dealing with some other guardians.

A nervous smile plastered onto her lips as she locked onto the approaching Titan, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I heard you made quite the commotion, huntess." Saint laughed from under his helmet.

"Oh don't I always?" She replied back.

Saint shook his head jokingly but gave a deep sigh as he stood Infront of her, placing a hand on her shoulder gently.

"I shoudlve stopped what happened earlier..I'm sorry I let you down my friend." Saint huffed remembering what he'd been told about the alteration between Y/N and Shaxx.

"You shouldn't be sorry Saint, something like that was bound to happen sooner or later, we're both kinda in the same place at all times." She spoke gently as she felt the titan remove his hand from her shoulder.

"He's an idiot-- but he does care about you Y/N."

The woman almost winced at that word, care and Shaxx was something that didn't seem to fit in the same sentence but then she felt the coldness of the necklace wrapped around her neck, those memories of when Shaxx gave it to her, the words he spoke.

You are my sword in the midst of war and my angel of my dreams.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you Saint, but that definatley wasn't Shaxx showing me he cared..and I don't know where this is going but I'll cut it short, he had his chance and he ruined it.." she glanced over her shoulder towards Cayde.

"We're guardians, we aren't supposed to have any form of relationships remember?" Her voice was harsh, cold and unrelenting as she felt her heart sink into her atomach.

Saint stood in silence for a moment gazing over his friend who valantly fought beside him and brought him back to the tower.

"Don't close your heart off to others Y/N, it will only make you bitter."
Those words weighed heavy on her, just as the fragile necklace had done for all these years.

And with that sentence Saint excused himself before walking away, he also had caught sight of the huntess looking at the hunter vanguard.

Cayde, whatever you do, don't give up on her.

Y/N leaned against the railing behind her, her head was spinning once more as she frowned.

If I don't face up to what happened between me and Shaxx I'm never going to escape this hell, I'm going to always hate being on the tower.
Am I really wanting to stay on the tower? Because of Cayde.
That kiss? Did he really mean everything he said, he wants me?

The thought of something happening between Shaxx and Cayde was enough to make her feel sick, she didn't want to know how that would end.

"Fuck it." She spoke outloud to herself before motioning off the railing and storming down the catwalk towards the courtyard, she could feel her muscles clentch in her jaw as her icy blue orbs darted over the guardians passing Infront of her, as she passed through them, her eyes focused on only one figure out of the rest.

Shaxx, who stood in his usual spot.
His arms resting on his hips as he glanced over, noticing Y/N approaching.

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя