sharp edges

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The door groaned and creaked as another heavy thud came crashing against the oak doors.
Shaxx stood himself directly in front of the entrance way, preparing to face whatever was on the other side.
The sound of blood curdling shrieks echoed from outside.

"Y/N you need to get yourself to safety, get into the bunker." Shaxx's voice had turned, it was gentle, commanding but there was something deeper that layered in his order, something wrong.

Like the roll of thunder before the storm.

It was the same way he had spoken during the dark age.

The Huntress almost swallowed her tongue for a moment, everything that was happening, it was consuming her like drowning in water.

"There isn't anywhere for me to go, Shaxx." She managed to spit out the words as she could feel the seething anger once again pull at every ounce of her body, her eyes where starting to see double.

"Let me--"

"You cannot fight." Shaxx responded harshly.

"Rouge where is the rest of the vanguard?" He asked the heart shaped ghost.

"They're stuck just beyond the border of the castle--theres so many of them that--"

The ungodly roar of an ogre was so deafening that the ghost's words where lost to the air and before any of them had any chance to react, with one last crash the door caved inwards, the metal bars flung with such force that they became embedded in the concrete pillars of the castle.

Shaxx charge towards the horde of Hive and summoned a hammer, throwing it towards a group of Thralls before facing the Orge head on.

Y/N couldn't sit back and do nothing as she pointed crimson and took out another group of Thralls with ease, she defied every bone in her body telling her not to move as she ran towards the havoc, swiftly dodging the swing of a hive knight, using the creatures sword as a platform before driving the bladed edge of her hand cannon directly into its face.

Shaxx caught sight of the Huntress, throwing up a sentinel shield to block the Ogre's attacks, he could see more hordes of Hive heading in their direction through the now broken barrier.
the Titan angrily bellowed as he took a direct blow from the Ogre.
"I told you to g--" he was cut off by a Thrall clambering onto his back, the hive creature ripping and tearing at armour as Shaxx grabbed it's head with his hand, with such force that he crushed the Thrall's head.

But his attention on the Ogre had wavered in that moment, his shield wouldn't last for much longer as it started to vanish before his eyes, more Thrall ran from underneath the Ogre.

Y/N cut down an acolyte with a throw of her hunters knife, she could see Shaxx was in trouble, but with each movement she made closer to the titan, the more hive appeared trying to stop her from getting any closer.

Will.. you.. just

She could feel the blood in her hands run cold, her legs felt like they'd been strapped with concrete, a shroud of darkness pooled in her eyes as the shrieks of hive where the only thing she could hear, a sharp wind now danced around her feet, particles of ice began to form.

"Leave us alone!" She screamed as the particles turned into spears of icicles that fired out in every direction, hitting the hive like shrapnel before encasing them in a layer of deep blue Ice.

Shaxx could feel the biting cold air even through his heavy armour, before he even got a chance to fight another hive, he watched as they all became entombed in ice.

The ogre roared out once more, heading in Y/N's direction, the huntress remained unfazed and instead of feeling Crimson in her hand her artic blue eyes glanced down at her plans and noticed two encased ice picks.
Looking back up towards the mammoth hive creature, she threw one causing a hurricane of glacier air to encase the creature, she watched as it desperately attempted to continue to walk, unable to take another step from the ravenous ice attacking from every angle, before shattering into particles.

Her body filled with rage, her eyes blazed with the fury of the unforgiving winter.

Almost as if instilled by the darkness that now lingered in her eyes, the hive seemed to retreat back towards the shadows of the forest.
Leaving only the bodies of those fallen left behind, their shrieks turning into silence.

Y/N could feel the veil begin to lift, her vision welcomed by the warm glow of sunlight, she dropped to her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Shaxx called out as the Titan's heavy footsteps could be heard thundering against the ground, the Titan gripped at her shoulders.
He searched her face, tried to look for any signs that it was actually her he was holding, for a moment Shaxx could feel himself shudder from her touch, the cold still lingered on her armour.

It was then that it dawned on the Titan, exactly why the hive had been sent there.

"You control the darkness." His voice came out as an uncomfortable whisper.

The Huntress looked up at the faceless helmet of the famed titan, her brows furrowed as her orbs danced between sky blue and icy grey, almost as if they where windows to the light and the dark that resided within her.

"That's why I needed to be alone." She responded.

The Titan's grip became firmer, his breaths became heavy as he felt her armour plates on her shoulders clatter beneath his grip as the two starred at eachother in unbearable silence.

"Guardians!" Zavala's voice suddenly cut the Titan out of his thoughts, glancing over his shoulder towards the commander he turned to face him.

"Are you both alright?" He questioned his voice never wavering from its usual consequential tone.

"We're--" Shaxx paused for a moment, the Titan cleared his throat as his mannerisms shifted back to his casual state. "We're fine." He responded, his head turned towards Y/N who was still on the ground, the huntress peered back at him with a spiteful glance.

For a moment Y/N closed her eyes, she felt her hands curl into fists, the blood within her once again ran cold, that was until she felt a warm hand being placed onto her shoulder.

"Hey, partner." An all too familiar voice reaches her ears, but she doesn't open her eyes, she was adamant she was just thinking she heard his voice.

It was then that it made her realise what she would've done to have Cayde at her side.

Why did any of this have to happen.

"Partner, it's me..I'm here.." those simple words where enough to make her slowly open her eyes and as her blurred vision began to settle and her breath catches.

The regal woman gave out a sad chuckle, "I must be dreaming, the real Cayde wouldn't-- he.."

She suddenly felt a gloved hand grab one of her own, settling upon the hunter Vanguard's metallic face, her fingers traced every sharp edge, every detail.

"It's really you."

"It's really me, Y/N." His hand traced up along her arm and found itself placed on top of her own.

"I missed you."

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Where stories live. Discover now