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Some hours had passed by since Shaxx had convinced Y/N to allow him behind the castle barrier and to at least offer some kind of help, even if that meant the stubborn huntress not openly admitting to the titan that she needed it, Shaxx could see past her facade despite the regal woman trying her upmost to do things her own way.

Even though the atmosphere had calmed, the valley returning to it's once dormant and peaceful state, there was a strange sense of unease in the air, there was something neither the huntress or the Titan could see with their own eyes, but it was there.
Lingering just beyond the shrouded forest a few meters away from the castle walls, something dark was watching, waiting.

Shaxx walked over to the crimson haired woman as she continued to stare out into the thicket of trees, her hand lightly placed over her crimson which was holstered by her side.

"You sense it too?" Shaxx spoke his head turned and followed the direction of where Y/N's piercing blue eyes where focused on.

Though she didn't speak, Y/N could feel the ground beneath her start to vibrate.
But there was little time to say anything, a cacophony of blood curdling screams roared out from the darkened forest.

Almost driven by instinct both Warlords grabbed a hold of their weapons and pointed them in the direction of the treeline, Shaxx summoned a ward of dawn.

The huntess side eyed the Titan, her once blank expression now adhered to a confused frown.
"You'll really think we'll need that?" She questioned.

"Not that I'm doubting the strength of what Osiris taught you-"  He looked at his own reflection against the ever changing barrier between him and the outside world and a heavy feeling started to gnaw away at the Titan's chest.

The huntress pulled out crimson from its holster and outstretched her arm towards Shaxx, "you don't need to finish your sentence--" her piercing blue eyes narrowed in on the treeline as hordes of Hive began to flood out and where now racing towards them.

Rouge appeared between the two "how-how do they know where we are!" His tone faltered as his singular orb flickered with distraught.

"I don't know." Y/N responded in a calm tone as she looked up towards Shaxx, "but as long as this forcefield holds..we should be safe."

Shaxx sharply turned his whole body towards Y/N, "and if that doesn't work, we have to use the castle-if all else fails."

Y/N had no time to overthink the situation as she could feel her heart begin to race in her chest.
She knew why the hive where here, if the darkness that was hiding inside her was now awakened, she could possess both the power of the light and the dark, she could think of only one reason why the hive had encroached on her location.

Her mind raced, her hand trembled with the weight of crimson now tightly in her grasp, her eyes flickered, her mind began to dull.

She could feel the darkness trying to whisper to her once more.

It was only when a heavy, gentle hand snapped the crimson Warlord out of her thoughts that brought her back to reality.
Shaxx could only watch as the once powerful huntress became almost frozen in time, dazed and confused.
"Rouge we need to get inside, NOW." his heavy voice boomed and the ghost nodded in agreement before shooting off towards the grand heavy doorway.

Hive began their assault against the forcefield, repelling off each time but Shaxx knew that it was only a matter of time before it began to give away against their unwavering attacks.

Y/N could feel everything trying to slip away, her legs wouldn't carry her weight, her arms wouldn't listen to her, her body felt tired, exhausted.
Drained from the light.

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя