The bonds that tie us together

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It was the beginning of a new day on the Tower, the soft hue of blue and yellow filled the clear sky as the sub slowly crept upwards over the horizon.
It was a quiet start to the morning as a few scattered guardians and workers could be seen attending to their new assignments and missions for the day ahead.

Standing at his normal spot Lord Shaxx could be found going over crucible  reports and tending to rookies on how well their training has been coming along.

The titan let out a sigh from under his helmet and turned from his desk to look out towards the traveller and the city that laid below him, he was stood there silently watching for quite a while lost in thought as a cool breeze gently graced his armour.

"Thinking about her again I see."

Snapped out of it by a voice from behind him, the titan turned to look in the direction where the voice was coming from only for him to be greeted by Saint-14, Shaxx watched as he walked to stand beside him.

His attention turned back towsrds the view he was admiring mere seconds ago before replying to Saints question, " there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about her." a softness could be heard in his response.

"You don't know which one I was on about though" Saint gave our a sarcastic laugh and placed his hands on his hips.

" I knew who you where on about from the moment you opened your mouth Saint."

slightly irked by Saints words Shaxx placed his arms over his chest and turned to face him.

"I have a feeling she'll be home soon" Saint nodded at his statement his words carrying a strong sense of hope.

"You say that everytime you catch me in these moments, my friend" Shaxx responded but deep down he also held that hope that Saint kept clinging onto.

"Because I am certain she'll come back, she gave me her word the last day I saw her" Saint turned to face Shaxx a seriousness filling the atmosphere surrounding the two of them,
before Shaxx could say anything more, he could see a guardian approaching from behind Saint.

"If you don't mind I have the days first crucible march to attend to" and with that Saint gave him a quick nod and walked back towards the hangar.

- A couple of days pass by-

It was a busy day, the middle of the evening.

Shaxx had already overseen so many matches for the day or reporting in on rookies and pointing out where they went wrong and correcting them, guiding them and giving them advice for the next time they had to fight.

The titan had just finished talking to a guardian who'd come to collect their rewards from a recent match when the news came in that there'd been a new arrival to the tower.

He looked up over the guardians shoulders and moved slightly to where he could get a better view towards the centre of the courtyard and it was as that moment that he couldn't believe what his eyes where showing him it was Y/N accompined by Saint-14 and Commander Zavala who where both talking to her as they walked side by side.

Zavala stopped near to the middle of the courtyard pointing at the facilities surrounding them, helping to refresh Red's memory of the place before placing a hand on her shoulder and welcoming her back to the tower once more.
Saint looked up from Y/N and Zavala to where Shaxx was standing and excused himself for a moment before walking over to where the one horned titan was.

Shaxx didn't know if Y/N had caught sight of him or not but he could feel his heart rate starting to jump and a strange heavyness pulling at him and was refusing him to move.

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Where stories live. Discover now