The colour of Leaving

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The hours had passed by since Y/N's altercation with the exo, the huntress glanced down the walkway that lead to the hanger, each breath was silent, each footstep she made was with caution as her unique eyes darted around the darkened ships making sure that Cayde had long since left his position.

"I don't think he's here.." Rouge whispered as his singular orb glowed within the twilight mist.

Y/N didn't respond but held her hand up signalling instead that she too knew the coast was clear.
Sorrow, pain and anger had now all but consumed her once naive heart, of all the promises, of all the words of kindness, joy and trust.
What a fool she was to believe any of it.

As the Warlord made her way towards her docked ship, she paused and thought for a second, something she would soon come to regret.
Instead of getting inside the Obsidian ship that Y/N had so kindly named the Vulcan, the huntress started to clamber ontop of the large spacecraft.

"Y/N what are you doing?!" Rouge starkly remarked trying to keep a low tone.

As the regal woman found a perfect position to sit ontop of the ship, she glanced out over the starlight kissed mountains in the distance.
"I just..needed a minute." She spoke, trying her best to hold back the pain that was swelling in the back of her throat.

In reality the huntress just needed one last glance over the place she had once felt like she could finally be herself again, to feel close to those she had once long lost during the Dark Age, to have found love again, just to loose it all and left with a heaviness that now weighed on her like a shroud of sorrow and pain.

Rouge could sense the pain that was now brewing within his guardian, the same pain that he had seen her suffer before, as if once wasn't hard enough for him to endure, now he had to watch her go through it all, once again.

There was a moment of silence, true utter silence, not even the odd creak from the cooling ships dared to make a sound as the Warlord battled the emotions that now raged within her.

And then she spoke again.

"Was I wrong to want this?" She glanced over at her now only companion, her once brilliant eyes where now glazed over by tears.
"Was I wrong to want to love? And to be loved back."

Her fists began to clentch as her mind continued to wander deeper and deeper and with each thought her heart sank more into despair.

"No, I don't." Rouge responded his robotic tone was stern, it hurt him just as much seeing his guardian endure so much and yet, if he had told her the truth, about everything about the true reason of who she is, things could've turned out differently, or worse.
But he didn't want to find out, he didn't want to burden her with problems that where the cause of selfishness.

She leaned back against the ship, feeling the cold undisturbed metal beneath her palms as she placed all her body weight upon her arms.

She let out an empty laugh, "how ignorant of me to believe coming back to this place would be the solution." She shook her head, her jaw clenched.
"Each time I have fought in the name of the light, I believed I was doing the right thing but..the truth is, I was always fighting in the name of others, protecting those I believed would stand by my side.." she shrugged her shoulders in a dismissive action.
"And look what good that has done to me."

"So what are we going to do now?" The ghost asked curiously.

Y/N pushed herself up onto her feet and locked eyes with the heart shaped ghost.

"We are going home.." she jumped down from the ship and opened the hatch to go inside, her voice echoed off the metal interior, Rouge quickly following inside.

"I don't care if Zavala sends the whole god damn Vanguard after me, I'm done with this place, I'm done trying to help those who are scared of me, of us.." her voice grew louder with anger as she threw herself down in the captain's seat.

"So yes, we are going home.." she muttered under her breath as she powdered up the engine feeling the once dormant ship scream back to life.
"Where the Vanguard will have a bloody hard time trying to find us there."

The flash images of Cayde caused the Warlords heart to fall deeper once more, as she fought off the seething tears from falling.

Am I weak for loving someone who now only sees me as a monster.

Am I deserving of all of this?
Of this life?
To be a guardian?

"I'm sure even Shaxx will be surprised with what you've done to the place."
Rouge added sarcastically.

She pressed the button that closed the door into the Vulcan and prepared to exist from the Hangar, hearing the clattering of multiple footsteps against the metal catwalk.

"I think we've attracted some attention Y/N, it's time to go." Rouge beckoned as the ghost glanced out of one of the Vulcans small window.

Y/N clasped her hand around the lever and slowly pulled the accelerator towards her, feeling the ship free itself from the Hangar floor and into the air and as the lever finally hit the end the ship had hit full capacity and with the blink of an eye, the jet black ship rocketed out into the nights sky and away from the Last Safe City.

But unbeknownst to the Warlord, was that this entire time a pair of eyes had been watching her and they too where not far behind the Vulcan as it made it's flight back to the Warlords hidden home.

/ Authors note:
Hey guys I'm so sorry uploads have been quite slow for this, I'm just wrapping up my final year at uni and I graduate in 2 weeks time!

It's also my birthday this Tuesday and thought I'd give back to you guys for supporting me and this story!
I hope you like how it's going so far! Sorry for the shorter chapter but I promise the next one will be alot longer ;) /

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ