scars of the past

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The evening was rapidly approaching as a lingering darkness crept through the tower, Y/N and Cayde had finally dealt with the last guardian returning from doing one of Cayde's flashpoints.
"Heh, don't sweat it kid just be careful out there okay?" Cayde casually gave the guardian the thumbs up before they walked away.

Y/N watched their interaction as a smile graced her lips, for the first time in years she was beginning to feel comfortable on the tower, or was it because she was feeling comfortable around this exo and then it hit her, a growing pain beginning to course through her body, she could feel herself burning up rapidly as a horrible ache started to constrict her neck.

"Hey partner, you alright?" She could feel Cayde looking in her direction but she didn't look him in the eyes.

"I'm golden, thank you for asking." Her reply was short and sweet but she hoped he wouldn't catch on.

Cayde cocked a brow, he knew something was up.
Why aren't you looking at me Y/N
He moved a step towards her and he felt her move back as she turned her face away from him.
"Heh, I'm not gonna fall for that trick so easily." He light heartdly joked and went to place a hand on her shoulder, he could feel her heat through his gloves.
"You sure you're alright." He repeated his voice slightly deepening as he knew something wasn't right with Y/N.

"I said I'm fine--" she turned around to face the hunter and snapped at him, but the movement of her turning to face him so quickly made everything go dizzy as she lost all sense of balance and could feel herself faint to one side.

Cayde quickly moved to grab her in his arms, his eyes scanned her face as he could see small droplets of sweat on her cheeks.

"Rouge!" He quickly called out for Y/N's ghost who appeared Infront of him.
"What's wrong with her." He said furrowing his brows, he felt the need to hold onto her tightly as the exo could feel her breathing was laboured.
He watched as the ghost looked down to his guardian and back up towards him.
" It's her old wound acting up again.." he whispered sounding heartbroken as he looked back towards Y/N.

"I'll be okay in a minute." Y/N spoke her voice sounded breathless as her face winced in pain.

"Cayde we need to get her to her room." Rouge whirred.
Cayde sighed as he looked down towards Y/N as he stood up to his feet he cradled the huntress in his arms, he watched as every movement caused her to feel pain.
"Y'know partner, you're gonna have to do some explaning about this before I go and find whoever did this to you." Cayde mumbled as he began to walk out of the annex and towards Y/N's apartment.
The walk there was silent, but the exo could feel every single part of Y/N that was against him, her hair to her armoured covered body.

"Cayde I--"

"Save your breath partner, it's alright."
As he neared the Bazaar he felt a thump against his chest, the exo looked down to see Y/N's head placed against his chest, her eyes closed.

This is just cruel.

Cayde opened the door with his arm, as he walked through into her room and gently laid her down on the bed.
His eyes scanned the full length of her once again, as both Sundance and Rouge appeared hovering over her.

"Get me out of this armour." Y/N said sharply through her gritted teeth as she clawed at the bedsheets under her as she forcefully sat up, groaning in pain as she did so.

"Whoa partner slow down." Cayde held both her arms gently as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.

"Just get me out of this armour please, it's killing me." As she looked up towards the hunter she was pleading at this point, the mix of unbearable pain and heat her body was throwing out was beginning to get too much for her.

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