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Zavala eyed the titan stood before him a deepening concern growing within him as a frown painted across his face.
"Cayde!" He sharply stated as he turned is attention over towards the two hunters across from him.

"Yeah?" The exo replied in a questioning mannor, though he never turned his head around to look towards the commander, his gaze was fixed on Y/N as he watched as Rouge scanned her over checking her wounds and damage to her armour she'd taken during the fight with Shaxx.

"Take Y/N back to get some rest, I will need to speak to you later." Zavala responded.

"C'mon Y/N you we need to patch you up." The exo moved to one side and gently put his arm around her back, supporting her as they walked away from the training arena.

There was pure silence between them both, Y/N was still in shock from the fight, from Shaxx, from everything.
Cayde couldn't help but give the odd glance her way, he too was concerned about the situation but more he saw parts of Y/N and her past the more the exo wanted to know and understand.

As Cayde opened the door to Y/N's place, the huntress slowly walked inside and sat down on the sofa in her room, the apartment was dimly lit as the evening started to grow near.
She was already pulling the broken armour off of her shoulder when she heard the door shut, looking up in that direction she watched as Cayde made his way towards her, the light from his blue optics glowing against his faceplates.

Cayde furrowed his brows as he scanned over her broken armour, "you need rest, Y/N." His voice was caring but also there was a coldness to it, he was mad.
Mad at Shaxx for even thinking that pushing her over the edge was the right way of sorting things, for causing her pain.
He watched as she reached up to her helmet, pulling it off gently releasing her long hair, he scanned her face intently and saw the pain in her face.

"I need to leave this place, coming back was a fucking mistake and I knew it." The huntress looked up at him her eyes puffed up from crying.

Cayde shook his head at her comment, " you don't need to leave because of that idiot." He moves to sit down next to her, his gaze never left her. " There's people who need you here."

Y/N gives a half smile as Rouge appears before her, " I don't think anybody is going to notice if I weren't around, I've made it years out there with nobody noticing."

"Hell if you're gonna talk like that, I'd notice if you weren't around no more, we're partner's remember." Cayde muttered under his breath as Y/N looked over to him.

Don't close yourself off from me Y/N, I'm a sore looser I always have been but the thought of you leaving is out of the question.

"He's right you know?" Rouge added to Cayde's statement as the ghost looked over towards the hunter vanguard.

Cayde gave a nod towards the ghost as he moved to turn on the lamp on the table beside him, the room quickly getting flooded in a soft yellow hue.
"I need to check your wounds Y/N." Cayde eyed at her damaged shoulder.

"This?" Y/N looked down at her shoulder and back up towards the exo, "I've had to endure worse than this" she replied brushing his concern off.

"Stop being so stubborn and let me help you Y/N, you don't need to go through all of this on your own." Cayde replied sternly as he moved closer to her.

I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.

Y/N didn't know what is was but something about those words, the way he said them caused a sense of ease to come over her.
Everytime he was there, things just felt a little bit better.
"Fine, if it means you'll stop worrying." She give the exo a broken smile as she slowly took her armour off, once again revealing her scars from the battle.
Thankfully she was wearing a grey vest underneath her armour otherwise the huntress might've thought twice about allowing Cayde to tend to her.

Cayde moved until he was directly next to her, only inches apart from one another as she could smell the scent of leather and oil coming off the exo.

Cayde looked over at her shoulder closely.
That bastard, if he only realised what he was doing, how can he apologise and then hurt her like this? I swear this will be the last damn time he does something like this whilst I'm around.

Y/N quickly moved her head as she felt Cayde touch her arm, he was gentle as he examined the injury, as he moved his hand towards the start of her collar bone Y/N flinched feeling a shockwave of pain wreathe through her.
The exo stole a glance up towards her, infactuated with how beautiful she was, she was a warlord for sure, willing to take risks for others, not backing down from a fight but truly beautiful in every sense of the word.

"Well the good news is that it's not gonna fall off." Cayde jokes trying to lighten the mood, " bad news is that you're gonna need to rest for a little while."

"Well it's not like I've done anything whilst I've been here to begin with." Y/N huffs as she looks over towards Cayde and Rouge as she begins to unclasp her cloak from the rest of her armour.

You're beginning to sound alot like me partner.

Finally unhooking her cloak Y/N placed the top half of her armour to one side, examing the damage done to it.

"Hey, it'll be alright." Cayde spoke from behind her, "I've gotta go see what big blue wants but I'll come and check on you straight away once I'm done." His voice was soft and sincere.

Why do you care so much about me Cayde, Y/N thought to herself as she felt a sense of comfort from the exo.
She didn't want to be on the tower, she wanted to leave but the only thing stopping her was this hunter vanguard before her, everytime she thought of leaving she sensed a feeling of guilt and couldn't help but think of how much she'd miss having him around.

Is that it? Do I actually care about you Cayde? I don't even know my own feelings at this point.

"Keep an eye on her Rouge, make sure she doesn't push herself whilst I'm gone." Cayde motioned towards the hovering ghost, before shooting a glance back at Y/N.
I don't know what it is about you partner, but everytime I leave all I want to do is come straight back to you.

"I will." Rouge replied as the exo walked towards the door.

"Cayde?" Y/N called out to him as she stood up onto her feet. "What's up, Partner?" Cayde turned his head as he clasped his hand around the door and opening it. "Don't take too long y'hear?" She let out a soft laugh.

"For you? I'll be as quick as I can."

Did she really just say those words to me?
Do you really want me here, partner?

He held a thumbs up as he noticed a soft pink hue set in on the huntress cheeks.
He walked out onto the bazaar, softly closing the door behind him, he starred up at the sky above him for a quick second.
"This is gonna be one hell of a partnership, Y/N."

As Y/N watched Cayde leave, the door shut behind him the room once again fills with an unsettling emptyness, she felt it too.
Everytime that he was around she felt something, was it happiness? She couldn't tell but all she knew is that Cayde made her feel welcomed on the Tower, his awful jokes and and sense of humour brought a warmth to her.

Did I just really ask him to be back in a hurry? What's going on with me.

The bond that ties us  [ Shaxx x Reader x Cayde-6 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt