good morning

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Y/N laid asleep entangled in her bedcovers as the sun peaked it's way through gaps in the curtains and lit up the room.
Her eyes fluttered before the huntress opened her eyes, slowly lifting herself out of bed.
She strolled over to where her armour was placed taking a quick glance at the time on the clock,
"Better to be early than late I guess" she spoke aloud before picking up her armour and placing it on.
After a few minutes of getting ready for the upcoming day on the tower the elegant looking huntress exited from her home as she walked towards the courtyard, since her arrival at the tower Zavala hadn't really handed her a task but more of helping out with the Speaker and just tending to rookie guardians that may be injured from being out on patrols.

A smile graced her lips as the first stop of the morning was to see Banshee to collect her weapon ( crimson ) she'd brought it in for some repairs.
"You're up early." Banshee always welcomed the sight of the graceful woman, she truly appreciated the repairs he'd done for her.
"Better to get here first than trying to wrestle my way through hordes of guardians" She joked as the exo passed her the gun, that had not only been repaired but had been entirely cleaned making it look brand new.
"Its stunning, thank you Banshee." She placed Crimson into her hoslter, giving the gunsmith some glimmer even after the exo repeatedly refused for any kind of payment she wasn't giving up.
"That woman is too kind for her own good." The exo said under his breath watching her walk towards the Annex.

She'd been informed by Amanda that her ship had been moved into the docking area since Y/N wasn't going out as much during the past few weeks.
Y/N walked down the stairs not really thinking there would be anyone around as it was still early hours and just wanted to make sure her ship was where she'd been told.
"Ah there it is!" She happily hummed walking up to her completely jet black ship that had the symbol of a wolf's head painted on the side of it with the words Vulcan underneath.
"Not a scratch on it either." Y/N's ghost appeared scanning the ship as he floated around before vanishing once more.

Y/N's ghost named Rouge hardly appeared other than when needed to and when his guardian was in trouble, but he was an extremely protective ghost over Y/N and Shaxx knew all too well about the unique red and orange painted ghost.

Y/N decided to stay beside her ship awaiting any assignments to be sent her way from the Speaker or Zavala, her eyes scanned the area enjoying the silence before the coming storm of activity when she suddenly felt the sensation of being watched.
Turning to face the direction of where she sensed eyes on her she was surprised to not see anyone there, thinking nothing of it the woman simply shrugged and adjusted her hunters cloak as a sudden breeze swept through the area causing a chill to run down her spine.

Her eyes caught sight of the traveller and she took a moment to admire it, wondering all sorts of things.
What's its true purpose?
What or who created it?
"It must be lonely being sat up there all day."
She said softly.
" Oh I don't know you could be stuck here all day everyday and be told you can't leave." A voice responds, her eyes shifted and was greeted by Cayde-6 leaning against a metal fence.
"Oh--I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Y/N responded to the exo quite surprised at herself for not noticing him being there during all that time, her heart fluttered as her eyes caught sight of his blue optics starring back at her.
"Nah it's fine, I get used to it with how long I've been in this damned place." The exo chuckled before walking over towards the huntress.
"What's got you up so early anyways guardian, normally it's only me and the silence of the tower for another hour or so." He stopped a few meters away from her his eyes never once leaving her own, the exo could feel his wiring humming  the moment he glanced at her, he knew there was something more to the woman stood before him.
" Oh I just got a good sleep and woke up earlier than I expected" She replied.
" Thank you, by the way for going out of your time to give me back my necklace."
"Ahh it's fine, I'm glad I found it and nobody else, some of these guardians are a bit sneaky yknow?" He whispered and playfully winked in her direction.
"What you mean like you going on your adventures from the tower." She laughed at her response as Cayde placed a hand over his heart and forehead pretending to be hurt by her comment.
"That's meant to be top secret ya hear" Cayde crossed his arms and jokingly frowned at Y/N
" Well then you're not very good at hiding secrets" she sarcastically responded whilst the two burst out laughing.
During their whole convocation Cayde realised how much he enjoyed being around Y/N and how in the blink of an eye how much time had passed and he hadn't even noticed.

What is it about you that makes everything else fade away?
The exo thought to himself as his eyes took in every feature of the regal looking huntress.

"So what's your job for the day, mr not so sneaky" she noticed the slow gathering of guardians appearing in the annex and presumed it was for Cayde.
"Oh you know, the simple hand out and collect job, nothing special I'm afraid" he signed before glancing over his shoulder noticing a few guardians where waiting for him.
" looks like I'm needed" he sighed looking back at Y/N before his eyes widened at a brilliant idea he'd come up with.
" Hey how about you help me out if you've got nothing through?" He almost pleaded with her a sense of excitement emminating off the hunter vanguard.
Y/N summoned her ghost and was reassured that nothing for her had been sent through.
"Sounds like you'll have an extra set of helping hands for the day and besides I get to know my hunter vanguard a bit better." She responded as Cayde pointed finger guns at her, " a day with me is never a dull one."
They both walked towards his hand out point and got on with assisting the guardians who had been stood awaiting them.

- time pass to late afternoon -

"Ah dinner time at last!" Cayde stretched out his arms and walked over to his desk/mess of a work space.
" You hungry?" His robotic voice echoed off the enclosed space as Y/N turned around watching Cayde fumble around on his desk looking for something.
" A little bit!" she replied watching him throw bits of metal pieces and paper around.
"Good! Ah found it!" He jolted up and walked back over towards Y/N.
"Follow me, it's my treat." He looked down at her and smiled softly towards the huntress, the two of them ended up at Cayde's favourite spicy ramen store, after finishing their meals the two of them looked up and locked eyes, "Soo how come you're needed at the tower?" He asked wanting to know more about the secretive huntress.
"Oh er that, I guess you could say I took an extra long vacation." Her eyes quickly turned away from Cayde's face.
Cayde looked at her in surprise, she sounded like me there for a second, hell guess all hunters are the same?
"Ah I get ya! I'd do the same thing if I was you." He gave a chuckle as he picked up his drink pressing it against his lips.

"So what's it like being the hunter vanguard?" Y/N quickly changed the subject.
"Eh pretty boring, meetings and bascially doing what you helped me out with today and repeat forever." He groaned at the acknowledgement of his position and the fact he'd probably be in another meeting sooner or later.
"But you made it not boring today, so thank you." He sounded truly sincere about her presence with him and the fact she was attentive with the guardians when he was getting sidetracked in a story about his many previous adventures.
"Oh there's no need to thank me, I enjoyed it otherwise I would've been sat around doing literally nothing for the day." She responded giving the exo a half smile as she turned to look at him once more.
"Well think of me buying you dinner as a way of saying thank you." Cayde replied standing from his seat and Y/N followed.
"Next time I'll buy you ramen." Y/N patted the exo on the shoulder as he blinked in surprise.
"Wait there's going to be a next time?!"
"Of course there's going to be a next time, that ramen was nice and I don't know anyone else who would join me." She waved her hand walking towards the stairs leading up onto the courtyard.
Cayde stood there for a second a sensation filled the exo but what was it he was feeling?
Who are you Y/N there's more to you than meets the eye.
this woman he'd handed a lost necklace to,who he'd heard stories about from Ikora and many others was capturing his attention in ways even he didn't think was possible.

I'll protect her always,you have my word Saint.
Those soft words the exo said to himself where the spark that would set it all off and just like that the hunter vanguard chased after Y/N as she walked up the stairs side by side, laughing over Cayde's jokes as they did so.

Completely lost in another ramble about the Tower Y/N didn't realise where she was going until she was knocked back by what felt like heavy armour, a bit startled and embarrassed by the fact she wasn't watching where she was going she abrublty apologised.
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you th--" her eyes quickly studied the armour, white, black lines and orange?
Looking up the huntress was met by the towering stance of Lord Shaxx.
"You're getting slow, Huntress." Shaxx's strong unwavering voice shot through her like a bullet.
Cayde quickly grabbed Y/N's arm and patted Shaxx on the shoulder, "Oh it was my fault she was caught up in amazement over me." His voice cut in before quickly walking away and Y/N following beside him as she gave Shaxx a quick angry glance from over her shoulder before turning to look at Cayde as they made their way towards his handout point resuming the rest of the days work.

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