I scroll through my phone and after a couple minutes Odell sends me a video of Lani playing with the bear and giggling and I smile big as I watch it. I quickly text him back and then Maddie walks into the living room and sits down next to me.

"Is the necklace from your man?" She asks and I chuckle and nod.

"Yeah. We sent each other things and we just opened them on FaceTime right now." I say and she smiles and rests her head on my shoulder.

"It's pretty." She says and I nod agreeing with her. Soon, breakfast is done so Maddie and I stand up and walk in the kitchen. We all fill up our plates before sitting down and thankfully Maddie sat next to me while we ate. It was a really quiet breakfast and no one talked. That is until my mom spoke up.

"Alright, I'm over this. It is Christmas morning and my daughters are fighting. Apologize and make up because I will not deal with this all day." My mom says and I sigh and look up at Dallas who remains looking down at her plate.

"I'm not apologizing. Demi started it." She says and I roll my eyes.

"You're the one that basically called me a hoe!" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"And you called me one too!" She shouts back.

"Cause you deserved it! And then you go and call me out on my rehab stints. Never in my entire life did I think my own sister could go that low. Never Dallas!" I shout back as I stand up with tears in my eyes.

"She's right Dallas. That wasn't right." My dad says.

"Whatever. I thought you were leaving last night anyways." She says and I roll my eyes and sniffle.

"You want me to leave? Fine I can leave." I say turning to walk upstairs as tears start streaming down my face.

"Demi!" I hear my mom call as I start packing my bag. My door then opens. "It's Christmas. Please do not leave." My mom says and I turn to her with tears streaming down my face.

"She clearly doesn't want me here. I don't understand why none of you can ever be happy for me. You always think the worst and criticize any decisions that I make! Am I in another relationship? Yes I am. Did I plan it? No I didn't. But I deserve to make my own choices. I am 28 years old and if I wanna have fun and be with someone that makes me laugh and treats me amazing then I will!" I say shouting in some places. "I love you mom, but you have to understand that I'm an adult." I say and she sighs and looks down.

"I just want you to be okay." She says and I sigh myself and sit down on my bed.

"I am okay mom. You guys are the only ones upsetting me lately and making me not okay." I say and she nods and sits down next to me.

"Okay, I'm sorry." She says rubbing my back. "I'll talk to Dallas. For now, can you please just come downstairs so we can make the best out of the rest of this Christmas?" She asks and I sigh and look down at my phone when it goes off with a text message from Odell reminding me to talk to my family and I nod.

"Okay." I say and she smiles and kisses my cheek. We then walk downstairs and we all opened presents together. Dallas and I still didn't talk to each other and that's how it went for the next week. We completely ignored each other and it did suck. She's my sister and I hate fighting with her, but I did send her a text apologizing on my behalf and she never answered so I just shrugged her off. Odell ended up flying into LA the morning of New Years Eve and I was so happy to see him. With me and my sister fighting, I could really use him.

"You and your sister still not talking?" He asks as we sit in my living room together.

"Nope. I texted her apologizing, but she never answered. I don't know why she's pissed at me. She's the one that went as low to call me out on my rehab stints. Like what kind of sister does that. It pisses me off." I say and Odell nods.

You are so Hypnotizing (Demi Lovato and Odell Beckham Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now